Cadbury is on a seemingly perennial
mission both to secure new as well as to protect existing trade mark rights in
their signature purple colour for use on their chocolate products, most
famously, their Dairy Milk bars. Following an opposition filed by Nestlé to the
registration of one of Cadbury’s purple marks in Société Des
Produits Nestlé S.A v Cadbury UK Ltd [2013] EWCA Civ 1174, Cadbury adopted a proactive defensive
strategy with the aim of preventing revocation of another existing registration
for the same purple mark.
In the aforementioned opposition
action (discussed on IPKat here)
the Court of Appeal had to consider whether the mark in question had been
validly registered. The mark was described as -
"The colour purple (Pantone 2685C), as shown on the
form of application, applied to the whole visible surface, or being the
predominant colour applied to the whole visible surface, of the packaging of
the goods."
Sir John
Mummery held that—
[55] “the description
of the mark as including not just the colour purple as a sign, but other signs,
in which the colour purple predominates over other colours and other matter,
means that the mark described is not “a sign”. There is wrapped up in the
verbal description of the mark an unknown number of signs.”
The mark was also found to fail the graphic
representation requirement [55] “because the
unknown number of signs means that the representation is not of “a sign.”
Fearing that this reasoning might be
applied to similar registrations,
Cadbury initiated an action before the Registry, the decision of which was appealed and decided before the High Court in Cadbury UK Ltd v The Comptroller General of Patents Designs and Trade Marks [2016] EWHC 79 (Ch). The aim of the action was to eliminate the potentially invalid description for mark
2020876A (‘876’). The 876 mark appears on the register
as follows:
together with
the following description:
“The mark consists of the colour purple
as shown on the form of application, applied to the whole visible surface, or
being the predominant colour applied to the whole visible surface, of the
packaging of the goods.
mark consists of the colour purple (Pantone 2685C) as shown on the form of
application, applied to the whole visible surface, or being the predominant
colour applied to the whole visible surface, of the packaging of the goods.”
The problem for Cadbury was that,
under s. 44 UK Trade Marks Act 1994 (“TMA”), alteration of an existing mark is
not allowed -
44. – (1) A
registered trade mark shall not be altered in the register, during the period
of registration or on renewal.
To overcome this seemingly fatal hurdle, Cadbury
argued that the registration in question was in fact a series of marks in
accordance with s.41 of the UK Trade Marks Act 1994 –
41. - (1) Provision may be made by rules as to -
(a) the division of an application for the registration of a trade mark into several applications;
(b) the merging of separate applications or registrations;
(c) the registration of a series of trade marks.
(2) A
series of trade marks means a number of trade marks which resemble each other
as to their material particulars and differ only as to matters of a
non-distinctive character not substantially affecting the identity of the trade
Cadbury then sought to forestall a revocation
action to the registration by seeking to eliminate the potentially vulnerable
description pursuant to rule 28(5) of the Trade Mark Rules 2008, which provides
as follows:
28 (5) At any
time the applicant for registration of a series of trade marks or the
proprietor of a registered series of trade marks may request the deletion of a mark in that series and,
following such request, the registrar shall delete the mark accordingly.
Cadbury argued that there are two
marks in the alleged series; one which describes purple as applied to the
‘whole visible surface’ and a second in which purple is ‘the predominant colour
applied to the whole visible surface.’ Cadbury sought to delete the second mark
in the series.
The Hearing Officer refused
Cadbury’s request for three reasons. First, Cadbury did not apply for a series
mark at the time of registration, so the mark could not now be treated as such.
Second, there was no mark to be deleted because the words in the registration
did not describe a mark (similar to the reasoning in the opposition discussed
above). Third, any deletion amounted to alteration by another name. As noted,
such an alteration is not allowed under s.44 UK TMA.
Baldwin QC, sitting as a Deputy
Judge of the Chancery Division in the High Court, dismissed Cadbury’s appeal.
Agreeing with the Hearing Officer, he held that –
“the 876 mark
is not a series mark, the description is not of two marks or of a series of
marks, there are no identifiable members of any series which might be the
subject of a request for deletion, accordingly any request for such a deletion
cannot be entertained and the appeal must be dismissed.”
![]() |
Cadbury and Nestle fighting for their IP rights |
This Kat reckons that in seeking to
take a defensively proactive action, Cadbury may have ultimately made it easier
for Nestlé to seek revocation of the registration (relying on the outcome of
the earlier opposition case). These two feuding chocolate makers never seem to
take a break from litigation, so this KitKat won’t be surprised if an
appeal from the refusal to amend the mark soon follows. The IPKat thanks RGC Jenkins &
Co, which represented Nestlé in this
matter, for alerting the IPKat to this development.
Cadbury suffers another blow in the battle to protect purple trade marks
Reviewed by Emma Perot
Friday, April 22, 2016

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