The IPKat has been obsessively following the debate
upon tobacco plain packaging and, as to the European Union, the tumultuous course
of Directive
2014/40/EU (Tobacco Products Directive) on"the manufacture, presentation and sale of
tobacco and related products". This directive was aimed at harmonising a number of aspects of
tobacco manufacture and sale in the EU [see katposts here, here, here, here, and here]. From the IP angle, Chapter II of the Directive provides that packaging of tobacco products sold
in the EU shall comply with a number of characteristics imagined to
scare smokers and discourage people from even contemplating to start smoking.
Among other things, Article
13 of the Directive provides that
"The labelling of unit packets and any
outside packaging and the tobacco product itself shall not include any element
or feature that … promotes a tobacco product or encourages its consumption by
creating an erroneous impression about its characteristics"
and that
"The elements and features that ... are prohibited
may include but are not limited to texts, symbols,
names, trademarks, figurative or other signs".
Further, Article 24(2) of the Directive provides that
"This Directive shall not affect the right
of a Member State to maintain or introduce further requirements, applicable to
all products placed on its market, in relation to the standardisation of the
packaging of tobacco products, where it is justified on grounds of public
health, taking into account the high level of protection of human health
achieved through this Directive".
Does paternalism make you nervous? |
Over the past months, the Court of Justice of the European
Union (CJEU) has had to open three different files in this regard, with one
glorious EU country (Poland), and a couple of UK judges seeking clarification as to the lawfulness of the Directive under different standpoints [Cases C-358/14, Poland
v Parliament and Council; C-477/14, Pillbox
38(UK) Limited v Secretary of State for Health; and C-547/14, Philip
Morris Brands SARL and Others v Secretary of State for Health].
The Polish case and that involving Pillbox38 challenged, respectively, the prohibition
on menthol cigarettes and the new rules on electronic cigarettes.
Case C-547/14 specifically concerned plain packaging. Among
other things, the referring court asked the CJEU whether
- Articles
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 of the Directive, concerning tobacco labeling
and packaging, comply with the principles of proportionality and subsidiarity;
- Article
13 of the Directive complies with the principle of proportionality and/or with Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. If so, the referral asked
if Article 13, by prohibiting "any element or feature that … promotes a
tobacco product or encourages its consumption by creating an erroneous impression about its characteristics", also prohibits true and non-misleading statements about tobacco products on the
product packaging;
- The extent to which Article 24(2) permits Member States to
adopt more stringent rules in relation to matters relating to the 'standardisation'
of the packaging of tobacco products.
With its decisions of today [Cases C-358/14, C-477/14, and C-547/14, still not
available on the Curia website], the Court ruled that the Tobacco Products
Directive is fully valid.
According to the press release, the CJEU
ruled that Article 13, as well as the other provisions regarding "the
integrity of health warnings after the packet has been opened, to the position
and minimum dimensions of the health warnings and to the shape of unit packets
of cigarettes, the minimum number of cigarettes per unit packet" and "health
warnings covering 65% of the external front and back surface of each unit
packet" are proportionate and well-compliant with the principle of subsidiarity,
due to the overriding interest of public-health protection that the Directive intends to pursue.
 |'d better quit smoking, anyway. |
As to the "true and non-misleading statements about
tobacco products on the product packaging", the CJEU ruled that Article 13
shall be interpreted as meaning that it prohibits
"any element or feature that is such as to
promote a tobacco product or encourage its consumption, even if these are
factually accurate",
once again as
"that prohibition is such as to protect
consumers against the risks associated with tobacco use and does not go beyond
what is necessary in order to achieve the objective pursued".
As to Article 24(2), the CJEU stressed that the in-search-search-of-inflexibilities
principle applies to the tobacco field too, ruling that
"at the outset, that the Member States may
maintain or introduce further requirements solely in relation to aspects of the
packaging of tobacco products that are not harmonised by the directive".
More patronising in depth analysis will follow once the decision is made available.
[UPDATE -- there are three CJEU decisions, actually: Case 547/2014, on plain packaging; C-358/2014, on menthol-cigarettes; C-477/2014, on electronic cigarettes].
C-358/14, C-477/14 and C-547/14 don't appear to be joined cases. The individual judgments are available on the Curia website.
ReplyDeleteWell spotted, thanks!