Purple seems to be a popular colour in the
world of trade marks. Recently, this Kat reported on Cadbury’s ill-fated
attempt to preserve an existing colour
mark. Thanks to Katfriend Plamen
Ivanov, this Kat has learned of
another purple trade mark dispute, this time concerning the word mark ‘Deep
Purple’. Deep Purple is the name of a British
rock band, formed in 1968. A former member of the band, Richard Blackmore,
applied to register ‘Deep Purple’ as a word mark for certain goods and services
in class 9, class 25, and class 41. As this Kat will explain, the attempt to
register the mark was largely unsuccessful.

On 17 February 2015, the Opposition
Division accepted registration of the
sign for class 25, partially accepted it
for class 9, but refused registration
for class 41. The Opposition Division found that there was goodwill in ‘Deep
Purple’ for certain services related to live performances and recordings, hence
the rejection of class 41, which concerns entertainment services. Class 9 was
refused as far as it concerned music content, but it was allowed for other
specified goods in the class which were mainly computer accessories. Class 25,
which concerns clothing and footwear, was allowed in its entirety. The reason
for allowing registration (partial in
the case of Class 9) was that the Cancellation Division found it unlikely that
passing off would occur where the applicant’s and opponent’s respective goods and services were dissimilar.
Both the opponent and the applicant appealed
the decision. In ruling on the appeal, the Fifth Board of Appeal considered a number
of issues, the main ones being as follows:
- Was the goodwill that the opponent claimed to have in the mark substantiated before the time limit for material to be submitted?
- Would the use of the mark by the applicant amount to passing off?
the goodwill that the opponent claimed to have in the mark substantiated before
the time limit for material to be submitted?
The opponent had submitted evidence to
substantiate his earlier right to the mark on 9 September 2013, well
before the 2 February 2014 deadline.
After the applicant questioned whether the opponent had substantiated his
right, the opponent responded that the material provided was sufficient to substantiate his existing rights in the ‘Deep Purple’ mark. Three
months later, however, the opponent requested more time to submit material.
This additional material was included in the opponent’s response to the
applicant’s observations. The applicant contested this evidence, arguing that
it could not be considered in deciding the appeal since it had been submitted
after the substantiation period.
The Board found that the material submitted
before the deadline was enough to substantiate the right, but, in any event,
the Board had discretion to consider
whether to accept additional evidence that had not been submitted within the
time limit stipulated by the Cancellation Division. This discretion was derived
from Rule
50(1) CTMR and Article
76(2) CTMR. Based on the evidence, which included ticket sales, articles,
album covers, concert sales and press releases, the Board found that the
opponent did indeed have goodwill in the mark ‘Deep Purple’.
the use of the mark by the applicant amount to passing off?
"Yes", it was decided, use would amount to passing off if with
respect to some of the contested goods in class 9 and all goods in class 25. The
opponent had goodwill in the mark and its use of the mark would deceive consumers into thinking the goods were authorised by
the opponent. The damage caused would be a diversion of future sales.

The Fifth Board of Appeal refused
registration for class 25 and partially for class 9. Only a very limited number
of goods in class 9 were allowed registration.
Ex Deep Purple member rocks up 20 years later to register band name as trade mark
Reviewed by Emma Perot
Saturday, May 14, 2016

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