The speakers of the Munich conference |
The IPKat is delighted to host the
following report by LMU Munich doctoral student Laura Jones.
Here's what Laura writes:
"Distinguished speakers from all over the world presented the
framework of intermediaries’ liability and the concepts of primary and secondary
liability before turning towards the different national approaches as well as
(legislative and doctrinal) reform proposals.
Poort (University of
Amsterdam) began with an economic perspective on the matters at hand and argued
that copyright should be limited at optimally resolving public good market
failure. Andreas
Heinemann (University
of Zurich) pointed out that competition law not only restricted the exercise of
intellectual property rights. It could also protect right owners from IP
clauses used by intermediaries which have a dominant position in the market.
Fundamental rights provide an essential framework for copyright law, as Andreas Paulus (Federal Constitutional Court)
explained. In the absence of a European Copyright Code the national legislators
should be the ones to take the basic policy decisions. While Jonathan Griffiths (Queen Mary University,
London), was prepared to accept the importance of fundamental rights for
copyright law, he pointed out that lifting copyright law disputes to the level
of fundamental rights was not without problems. Martin
Husovec (Tilburg
University) stressed with regard to blocking injunctions that the balancing of
rights should not predict the outcome of a case but rather constitute a range
within which the legislator should decide on which measures to impose on access
When it comes to the possible liability regimes, Maciej Szpunar (Court of Justice of the
European Union) gave an insight into the current EU law framework concerning
safe harbours, fully harmonised property rights, their enforcement against
intermediaries and the CJEU jurisprudence. Alain Strowel (UC Louvain and Saint-Louis
University Brussels) indicated that the lines between primary and secondary
liability had become more and more blurred, especially with respect to the
requirement of knowledge in cases such as GS Media. A
similar development can be observed in the US. As Peter Yu (Texas A&M University
School of Law) showed, the distinction between primary liability and between
the different forms of accessory liability became increasingly difficult also
from the perspective of US law. Michael
Grünberger (University
of Bayreuth) pointed out that the extension of primary liability in EU law
resulted in notions of reasonableness becoming a part of the infringement test.
This was not necessarily unwelcome, as there was a need for access rules in an
environment-sensitive copyright law. The recent GS Media judgment has resulted in a very
complex legal landscape and has thrown up more questions than it has answered,
as Joao
Quintais (University of Amsterdam)
Grisse (CBH Rechtsanwälte,
Cologne) focused on the third enforcement option that is detached from any
liability: injunctions against intermediaries, in particular website blocking
orders against access providers. She regarded such orders as the last resort
and favoured the principle of subsidiarity, which the German Federal Supreme
Court set up for blocking orders. This is where national differences became
very clear. Richard
Arnold (High Court of
England and Wales) emphasised that the insertion of a requirement of
subsidiarity within Article 8 (3) InfoSoc
Directive would neither be
practical, nor in compliance with the fundamental idea of the intermediary
being the lowest cost avoider. He outlined various other safeguards that can
guarantee the proportionality of the order such as the requirement to list the
exact technical measures or the insertion of sunset clauses and presented the
recent order concerning illegal streaming as an example of a fine-tuned remedy. Joachim
Bornkamm (University
of Freiburg, formerly German Federal Supreme Court) gave an account of the
German concept of “Störerhaftung” (liability of the interferer) as an
implementation of Article 8 (3) InfoSocDirective. It seeks to combine
effectiveness with reasonableness. Hence liability is restricted to injunctive relief
and conditional on the violation of a duty of care. Other than in Germany, a
concept of secondary liability does not exist in France, where the breach of
duties of care leads to primary liability, as Agnès
Lucas-Schloetter (LMU
Munich) pointed out. Therefore the discussions in France concentrate on the
applicability of the safe harbour rules under which, surprisingly, search
engine operators were treated as hosts. In addition Article L. 336-2 IPC allows
for injunctions against a broad spectrum of intermediaries. Tatsuhiro Ueno (Waseda University, Tokyo) then
explained that Japanese law did not permit the ordering of injunctions against
secondary infringers. In consequence, the scope of primary liability was
broadened. However, it still does not allow for injunctions against access
Several speakers called for legislative reform. Agata
Gerba (EU Commission)
therefore elaborated on the Commission’s goals pursued with the Proposal for a
Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market. Its objective was to
ensure that agreements between platform operators and right owners were
followed. A broader reform of the InfoSoc Directive and the E-Commerce
Directive did not seem a realistic political option at the moment. Cyril
van der Net (Ministry
of Security and Justice, Netherlands) criticised the proposed introduction of a
new neighbouring right for press publishers in the proposal as unnecessary. He
asked the audience to vote either in favour or against, and the vast majority
came down in favour of either abolishing Article 11 or replacing it by a
presumption of right in favour of press publishers.
But what are the alternative solutions? Ole-Andreas
Rognstad (University
of Oslo) suggested a one-step approach of an exclusive right to a reasonable
exploitation of the work with two supplements: general principles (as the
fundamental rights) and a catalogue of non-exhaustive examples of delineation
of rights including exceptions. Instead of asking what communication to the
public is or is not, one should question whether the solution is reasonable.
Last but not least Gerald Spindler (University of Göttingen)
discussed possible incentives for monitoring and stressed the need for a Good
Samaritan privilege. Exclusive rights should moreover be combined with levies
for platforms. New technologies could further be used for an automatic
licensing of works.
The vivid discussions showed that there are various opinions when
it comes to a topic of such high complexity. As Ansgar Ohly and Matthias
Leistner pointed out in
their closing remarks, the Proposal for a Directive on copyright in the Single
Digital Market is a minimalist solution and leaves the need for further
clarifications on the scope of the exclusive rights as well as the need for
further harmonisation of secondary liability.
Thanks so much Laura for
this detailed report!
I can count only 3 women out of 20 speakers in the picture?!