Waiting for the approval of the EU Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market Waiting for the approval of the EU Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati on Saturday, September 30, 2017 Rating: 5
Joint IPKat-BLACA event: The impact of Brexit on the UK copyright regime Joint IPKat-BLACA event: The impact of Brexit on the UK copyright regime Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati on Friday, September 29, 2017 Rating: 5
Proposed EMA relocation: staff survey update Proposed EMA relocation: staff survey update Reviewed by Eibhlin Vardy on Thursday, September 28, 2017 Rating: 5
Medical data in a twist - Technomed v Bluecrest Medical data in a twist - Technomed v Bluecrest Reviewed by Rosie Burbidge on Thursday, September 28, 2017 Rating: 5

Pemetrexed pops up in Milan

This GuestKat was delighted to get her paws on a recent decision handed down by the Court of Milan which forms part of the long running mul...
- Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Pemetrexed pops up in Milan Pemetrexed pops up in Milan Reviewed by Eibhlin Vardy on Wednesday, September 27, 2017 Rating: 5
EU certification mark: It's coming your way on October 1st EU certification mark: It's coming your way on October 1st Reviewed by Neil Wilkof on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 Rating: 5
Italian Supreme Court confirms availability of copyright protection to TV formats Italian Supreme Court confirms availability of copyright protection to TV formats Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati on Monday, September 25, 2017 Rating: 5
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