Does EU law prohibit a commercial undertaking from providing -
without the authorisation of the relevant copyright owner - private individuals
with cloud computing services
for the remote video recording of private copies of works protected by
copyright, by means of that commercial undertaking’s active involvement in the
This - in essence - is the issue at stake in VCAST Limited v R.T.I. SpA, C-265/16, a reference for a preliminary ruling to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) from the Turin Court of First Instance.
This morning Advocate General (AG) Szpunar answered the question in the affirmative in his Opinion [not yet available in English].
This reference was made in the context of proceedings concerning the unauthorised making available by VCAST (a UK company that calls itself a "video cloud recorder") of a cloud-based recording service that allows the recording of free-to-air TV programmes, including those of RTI (which is part of the Mediaset Group).
VCAST users are able to select the relevant network and time of recording. VCAST is then able to identify the TV signal through its antennae, while the actual recording is done by independent providers. Users are able to enjoy the recordings through ad-based or paid-for and ad-free subscriptions.
VCAST sued RTI before the Turin Court of First Instance, seeking a judgment that would acknowledge the lawfulness of its activities. VCAST's argument is substantially that its activities fall within the scope of Articles 71-sexies and -septies of the Italian Copyright Act, ie the Italian private copying exception. This would be so because it would be users, rather than VCAST, to make the recordings. VCAST would only provide the tools for the making of such recordings.
The Turin court was
not sure about the correct interpretation of the relevant provisions under EU
copyright law, ie Article 5(2)(b) of the InfoSoc
Directive [the
reference also raises issues of compatibility with the E-Commerce Directive, but AG Szpunar excluded that
this would be relevant], and whether Italian law would be
compatible with the EU framework. Thus, it decided to stay the proceedings and
refer the case to the CJEU.
The AG Opinion
Further to an explanation of the nature
of cloud computing, AG Szpunar noted that the present case requires the
CJEU to consider whether the private copying exception is
applicable in a context in which the act of reproduction is not done directly
by the beneficiary of the exception [ie a “natural
person”], since copying requires the intervention of a service provider [para 3].
More broadly, this case is about
exploring the boundaries of the private copying exception [para 4; this is something that the CJEU has been
asked to do in a string of cases: besides those requiring consideration of
systems private copying levies, the Court has explored the scope of Article
5(2)(b) in ACI Adam - Katposts here - and the recent Filmspeler case - Katposts here].
In this sense, existing CJEU case law suggests
that the exception (and the payment of the relevant compensation) is
applicable to those who make copies using third-party media and devices. This
would be also applicable to cloud computing recording services [para 24].
More generally, according to the AG the
exclusion of any reproduction that involves the intervention
of a party other than the direct beneficiary would be unjustified [para 25]. As long as the natural person/user
takes the initiative of the reproduction and defines subject and modalities of
the reproduction, there is no difference with reproductions made through
devices and media that the user controls.
![]() |
Kat-cloud |
Having said so, however, for the applicability of the exception in Article 5(2)(b) of the InfoSoc
Directive it is required that the user has lawful access to the work that
he/she copies.
This condition would not be satisfied in the case of VCAST [para 29]. The user in fact would be able to use
VCAST’s service without having also access to the TV programs on the Italian territory [para 36]. This means that the reproduction done
through VCAST might be the only way for the user to access the work reproduced [para 38].
AG Szpunar also
pointed out that VCAST does both a communication to the public and a reproduction
[para 39]. According to
the AG, VCAST makes available to the public audiovisual works without the
authorisation of relevant rightholders. Although those at hand are free-to-air
TV programs, VCAST’s service is not limited to the Italian territory [para 43]. Furthermore, VCAST makes the works
available to a ‘new public’ [para 45]. According to
the AG, the ‘AKM exception’ [a case that the AG labelled as "not entirely clear": para 53] would not be applicable [para
Finally, AG Szpunar referred to the three-step test in Article
5(5) of the InfoSoc Directive. He noted that the conditions therein would prevent the
applicability of the private copying exception to a subject like VCAST.
now wait to hear from the CJEU: stay tuned!
AG Szpunar advises CJEU on cloud-based recording and private copying exception
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Thursday, September 07, 2017

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