Have your say
Strategy: Intellectual Property Call for Views
government plans for a new industrial strategy, the UK IPO are looking for your
views on a range of specific ways they can get innovators to work together more
effectively and get the most out of their IP. This consultation
closes at 11:45pm on 15 November 2017, full details here.
Hot off the
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On top of all the latest news... |
innovators are developing a best practice code of conduct for licensing
Standard Essential Patents for 5G and the Internet of things. The
project started at a Cen-Cenelec Workshop held in Paris, against the backdrop
of an upcoming communication from the European Commission on the system of
FRAND licensing of Standard Essential Patents. Please find a full press
release here.
Dutch IP publisher B9
Publishing has launched a new international IP website: IP-PorTal. IP-PorTal publishes EU intellectual property case law
and legal texts for European IP-professionals and students of European IP law.
The site contains IP-decisions by the CJEU from 1966 and a selection of cases of the Enlarged Boards of Appeal of the
European Patent Office (EBoA) and other judgments by leading international
courts. The collection contains more than 700 judgments and all relevant
European IP legal texts.
Institute for Information Law (IViR) has announced that
Daniel Gervais has been appointed Professor of Information Law, in
particular trade and investment related aspects of the information society, at
the University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Law. Read the University’s official announcement here.
Research Position: The Department of Engineering and Information Science of the
University of Trento is recruiting a temporary junior researcher in media and
telecommunications law (at the post-doctoral, PhD or master level) for a period
of 12 months to produce legal information and policy recommendations for
community networks, as part of the netCommons
project, which focuses on the study of Internet community networks (CNs) in
Europe managed as commons. Full details here.
is holding a couple of back-to-back educational events in Berlin: a workshop on
Free Trade Zones (on November 29) and a conference on Brand Authenticity (November
30-December 1). Full details here
and here. Their 2018
educational calendar and Europe Conference will be held in February (26-27) in London
on the topic of designs, details here.
UCL Institute of Brand and Innovation Law and George Washington University’s
Faculty of Law announce their 3rd Conference on Patents in Telecoms and the
Internet of Things. The conference takes place on Thursday 9th and Friday
10th November 2017, in Washington DC, details here.
are offering an online Webinar on 31st October 2017 from 13:00-
14:00 titled - Open Growth: The contribution of Open Source Software and
Defensive Patent Pools to Innovation. The Webinar will be resented by Keith
Bergelt, CEO of Open Invention Network. You can sign up here.
The Royal Society of Chemistry Law Group will be holding its ninth annual and highly popular IP case law seminar on Thursday, 9 November 2017 from 1 to 5pm at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BA, followed by a networking drinks reception.
The Royal Society of Chemistry Law Group will be holding its ninth annual and highly popular IP case law seminar on Thursday, 9 November 2017 from 1 to 5pm at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BA, followed by a networking drinks reception.
The LexTranslate Kat |
New legal
translation service for IP documents and decisions!
A translator of legal documents should be a lawyer and a linguist. Katfriends
Diana Vaccaro and
Simonetta Buccellato wish to let IPKat readers know that they provide such
service: LexTranslate has in fact created a network of lawyer-linguists combining their legal expertise with an extensive knowledge of foreign
What if “application for a
trademark” is translated in Spanish with “demanda de marca” instead of “solicitud
de marca” or “patent claim” in
Italian with “richiesta del brevetto”
instead of “rivendicazione del brevetto”;
or if a translator is not familiar with the IP authorities’ websites?
When a client assigns
a translation task to LexTranslate, it gathers: (1) High quality
services in more than twelve languages; (2) Translations by legal
experts specialized in the area of law relevant to the source document; (3) Full compliance
with confidentiality and
timing agreed.
No margin for error with legal translations is
admitted and LexTranslate will avoid this risk. To learn more about Diana and Simonetta’s
services, visit www.lextranslate.com
Photo credit (right-hand side top corner): Angela N.
Friday Fantasies
Reviewed by Hayleigh Bosher
Friday, October 27, 2017

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