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Sir Richard Arnold |
A few days ago The IPKat reported
details of the hearing at the UK Supreme Court in the Cartier case.
readers know, this round focuses on allocation of costs of injunctions. In
particular: should intermediaries bear the implementation costs or even any
costs at all?
awaiting the outcome of this case, this blog is happy to post the review that
Sir Richard Arnold [who was also the
judge in the High Court round of the Cartier litigation - here and here] has produced
of Martin Husovec's Injunctions against Intermediaries in the European Union: Accountable But
Not Liable? (Cambridge University Press) for the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (Oxford University Press).
The review is available here and
has been reproduced below as per kind permission of the author and Oxford University Press:
“On 22 May 2001 the European
Parliament and Council adopted the Information Society Directive, Article
8(3) of which required Member States to ‘ensure that rightholders are in a
position to apply for an injunction against intermediaries whose services are
used to by a third party to infringe a copyright or related right’. On 29 April
2004 the European Parliament and Council adopted the Enforcement Directive, and the third
sentence of Article 11 thereof extended Article 8(3) of the Information Society
Directive to any intellectual property right. To begin with, these provisions
attracted relatively attention from lawyers, courts or academics. Since about
2010, however, the position has been transformed and they are now the subject
of a growing case law across Europe and a burgeoning academic literature. The
pace of development has been such that even books published in 2010 are now
completely out of date. In the last 18 months, however, there have been
four major English-language contributions to the field: Jaani Riordan’s The Liability of Internet Intermediaries, Christina
Angelopoulos’ European Intermediary Liability in Copyright:
a Tort-Based Analysis, Graeme Dinwoodie’s edited collection Secondary Liability of Internet Service
Providers and now Martin Husovec’s book.
Dr Husovec comes to the matter with three important advantages.
First, he has assimilated and built on the work of his predecessors over the
course of a decade’s study of the subject. Secondly, as a Slovak-born scholar
who studied for his doctorate at the Max Planck Institute in Munich, who now
has an academic position at Tilburg University in the Netherlands and who
mainly writes in English, he has been able to adopt a genuinely European
approach grounded in a close study of the case law from across Europe and the
global academic literature. Thirdly, his book is very up to date, citing
decisions up to 30 March 2017. Despite the impressive breadth and depth of his
learning, Husovec has produced a concise and insightful analysis which is
essential reading for those interested in the topic. It is therefore
unfortunate in that, in two respects, CUP has not adhered to its normally high
standards in producing the book. First, and rather extraordinarily, the book
carries an interesting foreword whose author is not identified, although the
content of the foreword indicates that he is an Advocate General at the Court
of Justice of the European Union. Only if one reads to the end of Husovec’s
acknowledgments does one discover that the author of the foreword is none other
than Maciej Szpunar, who has already made a substantial contribution to the law
in opinions such as that in the Pirate Bay case. Secondly,
the book contains ‘tables’ of legislation and cases which are not in fact
tables, since they are simply lists which are not cross-referenced to the text,
which reduces the usefulness of the book.
Husovec begins by introducing readers to the problems explored
in the book, exemplified by the first application in the English courts against
an internet service provider (‘ISP’) requiring it to try to block access by its
subscribers to a copyright-infringing website, the decision of the
Bundesgerichtshof (German Federal Court of Justice) (subsequently endorsed by
the CJEU in the McFadden case) to require
providers of WiFi networks to implement password-locking and the
graduated-response schemes introduced either by legislation or by court order
in France, Ireland and Spain. This leads on to an important exercise in
definition. As Husovec explains, the significance of Article 8(3) of
Information Society Directive and Article 11 of the Enforcement Directive is
that they require courts to be able to grant injunctions against intermediaries
which are ‘innocent third parties’. A ‘third party’ for this purpose is a party
other than a party which itself commits an act which infringes an intellectual
property right, while ‘innocent’ simply means that the third party is not
liable in tort even as an accessory. This remedy makes such intermediaries
accountable, in that they can be ordered to take steps to assist rightholders
in combatting infringement, but not liable for any form of financial remedy for
past conduct. As Husovec admits, his use of the terms ‘accountable’ and
‘liable’ is somewhat rhetorical, in that one can perfectly well speak of
intermediaries being liable under these provisions. Nevertheless, the
distinction he makes is a crucial one for a number of reasons. Among these are
that the provisions make it unnecessary to establish that intermediaries have
behaved tortiously, that they enable courts to make orders which, because they
are purely prospective, are tailored to the situation at hand and that the
orders can more easily be fine-tuned in the light of experience.
Husovec then turns to an economic analysis of enforcement, which
provides the normative foundation for much of the subsequent commentary. This
is skilfully done but, as he explains, the exercise is not straightforward. He
distinguishes between the costs to the rightholders of evidence gathering,
applying to the court for orders and monitoring the orders once granted (C1), the direct (by which I think he means
incremental) costs of the intermediaries in implementing orders (C2), the costs of the state in providing the
court (C3) and the cost to society if legitimate
activities are blocked (C4). As he says, it is
necessary to take account not only of static costs, but also dynamic costs,
which is particularly relevant for C4. He
proposes that enforcement is most efficient from an economic point of view if
the rightholders are required to pay at least C1, C2 and C3, because
then rightholders will only apply for orders if the benefits to them exceed
those costs, although he cautions that this risks C4 not
being fully accounted for. Husovec appears to assume a civil litigation system
in which C3 is fully recovered from litigants
through court fees (as in the English system), but this is a minor point. More
problematic, as he recognizes but does not I think fully allow for, is the
analysis of C2. An important determinant of C2 is whether the intermediary already has
the necessary infrastructure (hardware and software) at the time the order is
made. If the intermediary does not, why should the first applicant bear costs
which subsequent applicants will be benefit from? The same goes for upgrades
and improvements to the infrastructure. Even if one supposes that the
intermediary already has the necessary infrastructure, and so no capital cost
is involved, the calculation of incremental running costs is not in practice as
straightforward as economic theory suggests, as experience from accounts of
profits shows. Leaving aside the difficulty of quantification, which it may be
said does not affect the principle, as Husovec recognizes, requiring
intermediaries to pay the incremental costs of implementation gives them an
incentive to be efficient, to innovate and to co-operate with rightholders in
order to keep costs down. A different problem with the analysis is that it
assumes that the benefits of such injunctions accrue solely to rightholders
(and those who stand behind them) and ignores the potential wider societal
benefits. Finally, Husovec notes that other systems, such as the Canadian
notice-and-notice system, involve costs being shared between rightholders and
intermediaries, but does not mention that this is also true of
notice-and-take-down under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
In the second section of the book, Husovec outlines the European
legal framework, looking at the travaux préparatoires for
the relevant legislation and at the wider liability framework. Here he explains
the importance of the relation between the Information Society Directive and
the safe harbours established by the E-Commerce Directive.11 He also emphasizes, both here and
elsewhere, the significance of the fact that, although primary liability for
intellectual property infringement is partially harmonized and intermediary
accountability is substantially harmonized, accessory liability is not
harmonized at all. As he explains, this has led to the CJEU filling the gap by
importing elements of accessory liability into both primary liability (in
particular, with respect to communication to the public of copyright works) and
intermediary accountability.
In the third section of the book, Husovec considers injunctions
against intermediaries in more detail. First, he deals with orders for the
disclosure of third-party information, which is a closely related remedy. In
this context, he detects a shift in the CJEU’s approach between the Promusicae case and the Coty Germany case. Secondly,
he explores the (threshold) conditions for the grant of injunctions under
European law and the way in which the provisions have been implemented in
national law. An interesting, and potentially significant, point he makes here
is that, although recital (59) of the Information Society Directive states that
the ‘conditions and modalities relating to such injunctions should be left to
the national law of the Member States’, this can be interpreted in two
ways: first, as leaving such matters entirely to national law, and secondly, as
meaning merely that Member States should do what is necessary to implement such
injunctions in their national systems. As he observes, the second
interpretation may perhaps be supported by the doctrine of effect utile. Thirdly, he looks at
the scope of such injunctions. Lastly, he considers the limits on such
injunctions derived from human rights law, Article 3 of the Enforcement
Directive and Articles 12–15 of the E-Commerce Directive, and in particular the
key requirement of proportionality. In this chapter, consistently with the
economic analysis in Chapter 2, he argues in favour of imposing the incremental
costs of compliance with orders on rightholders. Husovec opines that EU law
does not prevent this, but nevertheless appears not to regard this as acte clair. Indeed, he suggests
that orders which allowed intermediaries arbitrarily to inflate the
implementation costs borne by rightholders could violate Article 3 of the
Enforcement Directive and Article 47(1) of the EU Charter of Fundamental
In the fourth section of the book, Husovec undertakes a detailed
study of the case law on the grant of injunctions against intermediaries in a
civil law country (Germany) and a common law country (England), bringing out
both similarities and differences. Chapter 9 on Germany is a particularly
valuable chapter for the English-speaking audience, because it contains a
detailed and authoritative discussion of the development and application in
this context of the doctrine of Störerhaftung under
paragraph 1004 of the Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (German Civil Code). This is
important for two related reasons in particular. The first is that,
conceptually, Störerhaftung is the closest
thing in the laws of the Member States to the accountability regime established
by the Directives.15 Secondly, it sheds
light on the concept of ‘innocence’ in this context. As Husovec explains, Störerhaftung is historically
and conceptually distinct from tortious liability, not least because it does
not include liability for damages, although in recent years the distinction
between the two has been blurred. In his review of the English law case law,
Husovec returns once again to the question of the allocation of the costs of
implementing such injunctions. As noted above, he favours imposing such costs
on rightholders. Apart from the economic analysis, his main argument is that
intermediaries are ‘innocent’ in the sense explained above and therefore should
be reimbursed for the costs of compliance in the same way as respondents to Norwich Pharmacal orders. As
he recognizes, however, intermediaries in Germany against whom applications for
injunctions based on Störerhaftung are brought are
equally ‘innocent’ in this sense. In McFadden, the CJEU
held that such intermediaries can be ordered to bear not merely the
implementation costs, but also the rightholders’ costs of giving formal notice
and court costs. If recital (59) is interpreted in the first sense discussed
above, such a divergence in outcome would not be inconsistent with Union law,
but the question is more debatable if it is read in the second sense.
In the last section of the book, Husovec first places the
European remedy in its wider international context and then attempts to draw
some conclusions. In the final chapter, he returns to a topic first introduced
in Chapter 2, which is the role of voluntary agreements. For understandable
reasons, he regards voluntary agreements between rightholders and
intermediaries as potentially providing an optimum solution, particularly from
an economic point of view. As he recognizes, they are not a panacea, not least
because they remove regulation of the internet from supervision by courts in
the public interest. On the other hand, the virtues of cooperation between
rightholders and intermediaries are demonstrated by the most recent development
in this field in England and Wales, which came too late for proper discussion
in the book. In three recent cases, orders have been made requiring the six
main ISPs in the UK to block access to streaming servers while they are
streaming infringing copies of live broadcasts of football matches. Such orders
are both more effective than website-blocking orders and more targeted, in
particular because the ISPs have developed the technical capacity in essence to
turn the blocks on when a football match starts and to turn the blocks off when
the match ends. Even though the ISPs are pursuing an appeal to the Supreme
Court on the issue of the implementation costs in the Cartier case, in these three
cases it was agreed that there should be no order as to costs, meaning that the
rightholders would bear the costs of evidence gathering, making the
applications and ongoing monitoring and the ISPs would bear the implementation
costs. Although some of the ISPs had an interest in the rights being enforced,
this is not true of all of them.”
Costs of intermediary injunctions: Sir Richard Arnold's review of a recent publication
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Monday, February 05, 2018

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