The function of patent
drawings is to aid understanding of an invention, but are they fit for purpose? Embodiments of a mechanical
invention may be easier to explain and understand as a drawing compared to a
lengthy description. The European Patent Office (EPO) considers good quality drawings as very important
for the correct disclosure of an invention (Guide
for applicants, Drawings). Scientific data necessary to support biotech
and pharmaceutical inventions are also provided as “drawings”. However, these
data do not serve the same purpose as mechanical drawings and do not naturally
conform to the formal drawing requirements for technical illustrations of mechanical
objects. However, this difference is not reflected in the formal drawing requirements of the EPC or PCT. This Kat asks therefore, whether the formal drawings requirements deserve a re-think.
The formal requirements for the form in which patent
drawings of patent applications are to be presented are provided by Rule 11 PCT and Rule
46 EPC. At a functional level, the drawings, like all other
parts of the application, must be "presented as to admit of direct
reproduction by photography, electrostatic processes, photo offset, and
microfilming, in any number of copies" (Rule 11(a) PCT).
The special requirements relating to drawings are provided by Rule 11.3 (a)-(n)PCT and Rule
46 EPC.
Are data “drawings”?
From a quick perusal of the special requirements relating to
drawings, it rapidly becomes apparent that these provisions are drafted with mechanical
inventions in mind. In fact, the very phrase "drawings" seems
inappropriate for the types of graphical illustration provided in support of
other types of invention, particularly those in the software, biotechnology and
pharmaceutical fields. The EPC (but not PCT) addresses this problem somewhat by
stipulating that “flow sheets and diagrams shall be deemed to be drawings” (Rule
46 (3) EPC).
However, the problem goes beyond the inappropriateness of the
term “drawing” for scientific data. Take
for example the first provision of Rule 11 PCT and
46 EPC "(a) Drawings shall be executed in durable, black,
sufficiently dense and dark, uniformly thick and well-defined, lines and
strokes without colorings". This seems to be a sensible requirement for
drawings taking the form of technical illustrations of a mechanical object.
However, the types of "drawings" required to support the claims of a
biotechnology or pharmaceutical generally take the form of data. If you have,
for example, a claim in the second medical use form: "Drug X for the
treatment of disease Y", the applicant is required to provide sufficient
data demonstrating the plausibility of the treatment effect. This may be presented, for example, as a bar chart showing a treatment effect in various patient
groups over time.
Bar chart using cross-hatching |
Scientific data are not suited for representation with black
lines only. Different bars on a bar chart may be distinguished from each other
by colour or colour intensity (e.g. different shades of grey). However, colours
and shading are not permitted under Rule 11 (a) PCT.
In order to satisfy the formal drawing requirements, it seems therefore that the shading must
therefore be replaced by ever increasingly complicated types of cross-hatching.
It in fact appears from Rule 11 PCT that graphs in general are not looked on
favourably, given that Rule 11 (f) PCT
states that a scale (even a graphical one) should only be drawn in
"exceptional" cases.
The EPO by contrast, has attempted to address the issue of
the unsuitability of representing scientific data with black lines only.
Whilst Rule
46 EPC stipulates that only black lines may be used, the EPO Guidelines
for Examination indicate that “the use of shading in figures is allowed
provided this assists in their understanding and is not so extensive to impede
legibility” (A-IX 7.2).
What about
Immuno-florescence data |
Scientific data may also take the form of photographs. Western
blots and immuno-fluorescence are standard techniques for detecting proteins,
and both type of data are often presented as photographs. In the field of genetic
modification, it is also usual to provide photos of the resulting modified
organism so as to show the effect of a genetic modification on a physical
trait. Does it make sense to execute these data "in durable, black,
sufficiently dense and dark, uniformly thick and well-defined, lines and
strokes without colorings"?
The PCT applicant's guide indicates that photographs may be submitted:
"[t]he PCT makes no provision for photographs. Nevertheless, they are
allowed where it is impossible to present in a drawing what is to be shown (for
instance, crystalline structures). Where, exceptionally, photographs are
submitted, they must be black and white...Color photographs are not accepted,
nor are color drawings" (PCT applicant's guide, 5.159).
Modified tomatoes |
The EPO Guidelines for Examination similarly indicates that
photographs may be permitted “where it is impossible to present in a drawing
what is to be shown…Colour photographs are accepted, but will be scanned,
printed and made available via file inspection only in black and white” (A
IX 1.2).
The current PCT and EPO guidelines thus seem out of step with
a normal interpretation of the PCT and EPC formal drawing requirements (e.g. that
drawings must be executed in durable black lines).
Where does this all
leave the applicant?
Western blot data |
If the EPO find that the drawings provided in an application
do not satisfy the requirements of Rule 46 EPC, they issue an invitation to the
applicant to remedy the deficiencies within 2 months of notification (Rule
48 EPC). If the defect noted by the EPO is not remedied on time or properly,
the application will be refused (Article
90 (5) EPC). To avoid refusal of the application, the applicant is
therefore simply required to remedy any deficiencies found in the drawings. So
what is the problem?
Whilst the EPO guidelines do indicate that graphs and photos
may be allowed, the lack of a specific provision in the EPC means that the
extent to which scientific data will be expected to conform to the Rule 46 EPC requirements can be open to the whim of the EPO Receiving
Section. Replacing data with
drawings satisfying the requirements of Rule 46 EPC can also represents a significant
burden (in terms of time and expense) for the applicant. Furthermore, the
resulting black and white, cross-hatched and text-free figures are often worse
at communicating the data than the original figures.
All of this raises the question of how necessary the
requirements of Rule 46 EPC really are? If the purpose of data is to demonstrate the plausibility
of a claimed effect, surely what matters is whether a skilled person would be
able to read and understand the data? Given that data generally cannot be
considered “drawings”, and often do not serve the same purpose as technical
drawings of mechanical inventions, perhaps data should be submitted under a
different category, akin to the supplementary data of a scientific article?
The issue of the lack of applicability of the formal drawing
requirements to scientific figures may not be the most pressing issue with the
International and European patent system. Perhaps this Kat has just spent one
too many times trying to squeeze the square peg of scientific data into the round
hole of the formal drawing requirements for patent applications. Nonetheless, with the number of biotech
and pharmaceutical applications rising every year (up
1.5 and 8.1% respectively in 2017), and the increasing importance given to the data
required to support these applications, perhaps both applicants and the public
would benefit from a rethink of the requirements. Do other EPO patent practitioners have any thoughts?
YES, apart from the weighty points raised above in relation mainly to non-mechanical inventions, many if not most mechanical "drawings" are now produced at first instance as 3D models. These commonly represent much greater detail than can be presented as 2D views, and in many cases are capable of animation. 3D PDF formats enable such views to be presented without specialist software (CAD). In preparing specifications I am commonly presented with the 3D model and have to select 2D views which illustrate what I am trying to communicate. Nearly all mechanical inventions move, often in complex ways. This either requires a lot of description, which is not easy to understand (and I have seen more than a few descriptions which are simply wrong) or multiple cartoon animation views.
ReplyDeleteEven 2D PDF views accepted by the current filing software are of limited resolution, which removes a lot of detail from large scale drawings. Not a few of my engineering clients regard this as quaint at best (the at worst comments are not reproducible). This goes nowhere to enhance the credibility of the patent system generally.
Sorry to say, but I have never had a problem with the drawing requirements in relation to life science inventions. Chemical compounds, manufacturing processes, tables of data, and more, may be included in the description. Second medical use patents do not require drawings, bar charts, or 3D manipulatable CAD designs in 64-bit colour to render them sufficient. The wonderful thing about patents is the requirement to describe an invention using words, drawings being a mere aid to interpretation.
ReplyDeleteWhere a technology is not best-served by words and drawings, patent laws provide for things such as biological deposits. However, when something ain't broke, there is no need for anyone to create a problem to be fixed in order to have something to write about.
As for the mass-inclusion of drawings in life science patents, I feel many are unnecessary, even if they had been provided in a legible form. Photographs, for example, of stained cells and the like, show nothing, mean nothing, and add nothing.
The Korean Patent Office accepts colour photographs. These could present problems in getting legible drawings for EP filings. In one case where the draftsmen we used had great difficulties, I got much better results using a basic image processing program that came with my ancient Windows 98 PC that could render continuous tone images as contours of different patterns.
ReplyDeleteMicroscopy data in particular, often with multiple different dye stains, can be very important to support an invention while being impossible to hammer into the existing rules. Please don't attach too much weight to the anonymous comment of 26 January (I can understand why it was anonymous).
ReplyDeleteIf the invention is in influencing cell morphology, or subcellular targeting, or whatever, should we NOT show the data? Is the alternative of using text, an alternative that is indeed available, indeed preferable? Imagine this: "When the invention was used, it looked really good. When the comparison from the prior art was used, it looked really bad. Trust us. We have the pictures at home." Yeah, I'd rather be able to file the microscopy images.
Sometimes you can choose to file both the colour drawings and the black/white ones (for example: zip them together). The b/w file will get used, but at least the colours will have been filed and will be available.