The IPKat welcomes first Africa correspondent

Our Africa Correspondent,
Chijioke Okorie
The arrivals in the Kat family are not over! 

Further to our announcement earlier this month, we are delighted to welcome Chijioke Ifeoma Okorie as our first Africa Correspondent for the next 6 months.

Here's a bit more about Chijioke:
Chijioke has over a decade of law practice experience having been called to the Nigerian Bar since 2006 and practised in one of Nigeria’s leading commercial law firms. She holds an LLM in Internet Law and Policy from the University of Strathclyde and a doctorate from University of Cape Town.
Recently appointed a Postdoctoral Research Fellow under the DST/NRF Research Chair in Intellectual Property, Innovation & Development at the University of Cape Town, Chijioke also successfully ran Penguide Advisory, a consultancy she founded in 2014 to provide legal advisory services to key players in the IP, entertainment and technology sectors regarding law, policy, strategy, business and contracts.
Highly regarded in African IP law circles, Chijioke has written and continues to write extensively in the IP field particularly in Africa. Since 2013, she has been a regular contributor to Afro-IP Blog – a blog on all things IP in Africa. Chijioke plays an active role in various professional associations and participates in developmental research projects. She has been invited to give lectures and seminars in IP to various constituencies including creative entrepreneurs and aspiring IP lawyers as well as being consulted by private organisations, government and institutional sectors.
Chijioke is a Chartered Mediator and is a peer reviewer for a number of IP law journals.
More about Chijioke on LinkedIn and Twitter, here.
The IPKat welcomes first Africa correspondent The IPKat welcomes first Africa correspondent Reviewed by Merpel McKitten on Thursday, January 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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