On December 5, 2018, the General Court ruled in
favor of the European Commission in an action brought by Bristol-Myers
Squibb Pharma (BMS) against the Commission and the European Medicines Agency
(EMA) in the case, T‑329/16, read here. The
application in question was made pursuant to Article 263 TFEU for annulment
of an act adopted by the Commission removing Elotuzumab from the Community
Register of orphan medicinal products for human use and/or of a possible act
adopted by the Commission or the EMA determining that Elotuzumab no longer met
the criteria for designation as an orphan medicinal product when the marketing
authorisation was granted for the medicinal product Empliciti (Elotuzumab)
under Regulation (EC) No 141/2000 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 16 December 1999 on orphan medicinal products (OJ 2000
L 18, p. 1). For those IPKat
readers who may not be familiar with the term, an “orphan drug” is a medicinal product intended for diagnosis, prevention or treatment of life-threatening or very serious diseases or disorders that are rare. A disease or disorder is defined as "rare" in Europe when it affects less than 1 in 2,000 citizens.
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This cat awaits with anxiety the next step in the application of the Oprhan Drug Regulation |
The application of the Regulation and the grant
of an Orphan Drug Designation
The procedure
for obtaining an Orphan Drug Designation (“ODD”) is in practice a two-step procedure. The first
step consists of the actual application of an orphan drugs designation, while
the second one concerns its “maintenance” during the Marketing Authorization
(MA) procedure. This second step is not expressly stated in any of the
provisions of the Regulation; what the Regulation provides is that a designated orphan medicinal product
must be removed from the Community Register if it is established, before the MA
is granted, that the designation criteria are no longer met. Although not
explicitly stipulated, the Commission has interpreted this to mean that an ab
initio review of the Orphan Drug Regulation requirements has to be performed in
order for the ODD to be maintained.
The maintenance of the ODD at the time of MA is not expressly set forth by
the Orphan Regulation. The regulation simply states that a designated orphan
medicinal product must be removed from the Community Register if it is
established, before the MA is granted, that the designation criteria are no
longer met. The Commission interpreted those legal provisions as requiring a
systematic review of an OD right before the grant of a MA.
The central requirement for the ODD
to be preserved is that of “significant benefit”. This means that there is no
other satisfactory therapy for the condition, or if there is one (or more),
then the product in question has a significant benefit over the existing
therapy. The question (and the difficulty) that arises is to prove what the “significant benefit”
consists of and above all how this will be proven. In the initial ODD application,
the Commission accepts the presumption of a significant benefit, taking into
account that the medicinal product in question is still in a premature phase in
its product cycle .. However, in the MAA phase, the COMP requires direct
comparative data, something that is not always feasible, particularly regarding new products and the
fact that MA files are confidential until the grant of the MA.
Background to the case
BMS was
successful in its Orphan Drugs designation application, filed in August 2012.
The Commission granted an OD to elotuzumab for the treatment of multiple
myeloma (a very serious cancer disease). In 2015, when BMS submitted a MAA for
Empliciti, the medicinal product including elotuzumab, the Commission made a
new examination of whether the substance in question fulfills the criteria of
the Oprhan Drug Regulation. Unfortunately (for BMS) the Commission had
already granted a MA for a new medicinal product, Kyprolis (carfilzomib), for
the treatment of the same disease. The COMP asked BMS to demonstrate the
significant benefit of Empliciti over Kyprolis. In the absence of other more concrete direct comparison data,
BMS submitted a scientific discussion on
the significant benefit of the substance elotuzumab over that of carfilzomib. The
COMP did not consider the submitted data to be satisfactory and thus concluded
that elotuzumab’s significant effect was not shown, leading thus to its removal
from the Community OD register.
The grounds for an
action for annulment
BMS's action for annulment of the decision was based on (i) violation of Article 5(12)(b) of the
Orphan Regulation in conjunction with the principle of proportionality; (ii) violation of Article 5(12)(b) in conjunction
with Article 5(8); and (iii) failure to identify the legal basis and to state
reasons. The most important part of the decision concerns the violation of
Article 5(12)(b) of the Orphan Regulation. In this respect BMS presented three
major arguments:
(a) Kyprolis may not be taken into account in the review of the significant
benefit because it was authorized after the submission of the MAA for Empliciti. BMS
claimed that Empliciti should not have been compared with Kyprolis because
Kyprolis was authorized on November 19, 2015, i.e., several months after the submission of the MAA for elotuzumab.
Adopting such a broad perspective would, according to BMS, call into question
compliance with the principle of proportionality and run counter the objectives
of the Orphan Drug Regulation. “Proportionality” mean that the action of the EU
must be limited to what is necessary to achieve the objectives of the Treaties.
Furthermore, such a comparison would be unfair because it would mean that
the applicant would not have enough time to collect all the necessary data.
The Court referred to its ruling in Now Pharm v Commission,
T‑74/08, where it held that the orphan
drug in question is to be compared with all medicinal products that have been
authorized in the EU (without exception), and that both Articles 5(12) and 7(3) of the Regulation
provide as the deadline for the examination of the designation criteria (i.e.,
the date on which the Commission is to determine whether
the OD fulfills the requirements of the Orphan Drug Regulation), the MA grant
date and not that of the MAA.
The Court also decided that the principle of proportionality was not
breached because the assessments concerning the significant benefit criterion
were carried out objectively, from a purely scientific point of view. As such,
the COMP had no scope for discretion as regards to recommending to the Commission
to remove the medicinal product from the Community Register of orphan medicinal
(b) Conclusive evidence should show that Empliciti is no longer of
significant benefit, not that it is of significant benefit:. In fact,
BMS claims that according to the wording of Article 5(12)(b), at the time of
MA, compelling evidence is needed that the designated medicinal product is no
longer of significant benefit compared with other authorized medicinal
products, not that the designated medicinal product is of
significant benefit.
In this respect, the Court repeated the obligation under 5(12)(b) to review
the OD criteria before granting an MA, and that the above-mentioned provision,
read together with Article 7(3), provides that the COMP must proceed to a
complete re-evaluation of the designation criteria. This assessment shall be
new and independent of the one previously performed during the initial ODD. The Court thus
concluded that there must be a positive finding that the significant benefit criterion
is met once again at the time of the MA. In order to confirm its initial
opinion, the COMP must satisfy itself, scientifically and objectively, that the
significant benefit criterion is met.
(c) The test for the assessment of significant benefit is overly rigid. BMS
claimed that the Commission applied, incorrectly, an overly rigid test to
assess the significant benefit. Even though the COMP had to verify whether the
available data supported the conclusion that Empliciti offered significant
benefit compared with Kyprolis, the COMP should not have fixed an overly rigid
test for evidence of significant benefit but instead should have (i) conducted
a more global assessment, focusing on all of the evidence that could
substantiate its claim of significant benefit; (ii) used the general criterion
of benefit for the patient; and (iii) applied a standard of proof that did not
require conclusive proof and could allow for estimates and assumptions based on
the available data, especially when taking into account the relevant
circumstances, including the practical impossibility for the applicant to
produce new comparative data.
The Court did not share BMS’s approach, stating that taking into
consideration the complex scientific assessment that needs to be done in such
cases, the Commission usually endorses the opinions of the COMP. The Court is
to rule solely on the proper functioning of the COMP, the internal consistency
of the opinion and the statement of reasons contained. The Court is to examine
only whether the scientific findings are linked to the conclusions drawn with
regards to the fulfillment of the Orphan Drug Regulation criteria.
It seems
that the last word has not been yet spoken in the matter and the industry awaits (if not
expects) an appeal of the Court’s ruling. The launch of a public consultation
for the Orphan Drugs Regulation, revealing the interest of the Commission in
the application of the Regulation, suggests that a revision of the Regulation
might in fact be underway. That makes a ruling from the CJEU more desirable than ever. In this respect,
the interpretation from the CJEU would be more than desirable not only for the
specific provisions at stake in this case, but also with respect to other
provisions, such as f Article 8(3)(1)of the Orphan Drugs Regulation, which
provides for exceptions to the exclusivity granted by the
Orphan Drugs, a successful regulation after all? Or just about to experience its pitfalls?
Reviewed by Frantzeska Papadopoulou
Saturday, January 05, 2019

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