WIPO for Creators is an open public–private partnership launched by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Sweden-based Music Rights Awareness Foundation. WIPO for Creators aims to raise awareness and increase knowledge of creators’ rights and related management practices, ensuring recognition and fair reward for all creators regardless of their geographical, cultural or economic conditions. Its first step is to launch a rights awareness platform with the aim of supporting creators worldwide across many different creative fields.
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Today, WIPO for creators has announced that the UK IPO is the first Member State sponsor. The news comes shortly after the announcement that Universal Music Group became the first corporate sponsor.
UK IPO Joins WIPO for Creators as First Member State Sponsor
The UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has joined WIPO for Creators as a partner, marking the first Member State body to link up with the public-private partnership established by WIPO and the Music Rights Awareness Foundation.
The UK IPO will support the delivery of the Creators Platform, which aims to raise awareness and increase knowledge of creators’ intellectual property (IP) rights, with a focus on navigating the structure, processes and complexities of the creative industries and rights management.
Welcoming the UK as the first Member State funding sponsor of the Consortium, WIPO Director General Daren Tang said he was delighted that the UK IPO had committed to WIPO for Creators: “It is my great pleasure to welcome the UK IPO to WIPO for Creators. I hope that this will spur other Member States to join this platform where we are bringing together creators, industry, governments and other stakeholders from across the creative ecosystem to help creators understand how to use IP to bring their creations to the world and sustain themselves. This will also support the growth of creative industries everywhere, which is a key sector for many countries,” said Mr. Tang.
Image: Riana Harvey |
WIPO for Creators is currently building its network of members, sponsors and friends while developing the Creators Platform - an online rights awareness platform - with the aim of supporting creators worldwide across the many different creative fields.
The Creators Platform will provide a creator-driven service in the form of high-quality interactive “micro-learning” videos, featuring high-profile creators initially from the music industry, progressively complemented with targeted and context specific content covering all creative industry sectors and regional market realities. The texts and videos will be designed to quickly provide answers to creators’ questions as they arise in real-time, often during the creative process.

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