Every now and then, The IPKat team welcomes new contributors, says thanks and goodbye to existing contributors, and shares some news concerning the Kats. Check it out!
The IPKat is delighted to welcome the following, as new InternKats for the next six months.
James Kwong - James is a qualified solicitor in the Hong Kong SAR and currently works at Rouse. His practice covers all areas of IP, with a focus on trade marks, management of global IP portfolios, IP-related commercial arrangements and advertising matters. He holds law degrees from University College London and University of Southampton, where his interest in IP began to develop. You can learn more about James here.
Alexandre Zanatta Miura - Alexandre is currently working with plant variety protection in France, after working for almost four years with transactional intellectual property matters as a qualified lawyer in Brazil and obtaining his LL.M. in European IP Law at Stockholm University. In addition, he has an LL.B. in Law from the University of São Paulo and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property and New Business Models (PGDip) at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (São Paulo, Brazil). He is also Co-Chief Editor of Stockholm IP Law Review. More information about Alexandre can be found here.
The IPKat says goodbye to GuestKats Alex Woolgar, Thomas Key, Léon Dijkman and Peter Ling, as well as InternKat Magdaleen Jooste, who continued to contribute to the blog for the past several months.
We thank them for all their enthusiasm and hard work and look forward to continuing our collaboration in some other capacity in the future.
GuestKat Riana Harvey is now an Associate Legal Policy Advisor at the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) and completed her LLM in European Intellectual Property Law at Stockholm University in July 2021.
SpecialKat Hayleigh Bosher was recently promoted to Associate Dean (Student Development and Graduate Outcomes) at Brunel University, London.
The IPKat team: arrivals, farewells, and news
Reviewed by Merpel McKitten
Monday, October 25, 2021

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