Conferences, webinars
On October 18, the Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law (Stockholm University) will hold an online conference devoted to ‘The Making of EU Copyright’. The occasion of the conference is the publication of Eleonora Rosati’s book, "Copyright in the Digital Single Market. Article-by-Article Commentary to the Provisions of Directive 2019/790". The discussion will cover the role and legacy of CJEU case law for EU and national copyright systems, the rationale and effects of EU harmonization, and the impact that the rules contained in the Directive 2019/790 will be having on EU and national laws and practice.
On October 22, the Fashion Law London will conduct the program, "The Fashion Marketplace: Law and Policy". Speakers will discuss significant legal, regulatory and policy issues affecting the fashion marketplace. IPKat readers are entitled to a special discount on the registration fee by selecting the IPKat special ticket.
On October 7, the Licensing Executives Society International will offer a virtual event on the proposed waiver of the TRIPS-Agreement for the duration of the pandemic. Speakers include representatives from the WTO, industry and academia, among others. Free registration is available here.
On October 8, the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) will host a book launch of “Exceptions in EU Copyright Law: In Search of a Balance Between Flexibility and Legal Certainty”, by Prof. Tito Rendas. The event will be held in-person, on the UCP’s Lisbon premises. Registration is available here.
On October 12, the 4IP Council will present a one-hour webinar on “EC new framework for Standard-Essential Patents (SEPs)”. Speakers will discuss the policy governance framework for SEPs licensing in light of the future consultation from the European Commission on the subject.
On October 25, the Best Practice in Intellectual Property (BPIP) will conduct the 8th Annual Conference (in Tel Aviv and online). Among the topics covered will be COVID effects on the IP world, Big Data, updates on prosecution in the US, EU, and China, as well as a series of master classes.
On October 26, the U.S. Copyright Office and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will host a conference on “Copyright Law and Machine Learning for AI: Where are We and Where are We Going?” (online). The event will cover how existing copyright laws apply to the training of artificial intelligence.
The European Patent Office (EPO) has several positions open, including the Head of Department Legal Research Service of the Boards of Appeal (here), and several posts for lawyers in the Legal Services of the Boards of Appeal (here). Application deadline for all vacancies is October 15, 2021.
Former Katonomist Nicola Searle, along with colleagues at Krems University of Applied Sciences and BGW Management AG, are soliciting views on data sharing practices and IP, as part of a European Commission contract. They are looking for respondents of all shapes and sizes to share their experiences via a survey. The survey is open until October 10, 2021 and takes roughly 15 minutes.
Wednesday Whimsies
Reviewed by Anastasiia Kyrylenko
Wednesday, October 06, 2021

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