- "For the man who doesn't mind a bit of rough when the time is right" and/or "For the man who realises it's time to stay out of the rough" (Matthew Rippon, BHP Innovate)
- "Is it time to release the Tiger in you?" (Naazneen Schmittzehe, Hamlins LLP)
- "Cometh the Tag Heuer, cometh the man" (Sophie Ashcroft, Blake Lapthorn, who observes that the names Tiger and Tag Heuer "sound strangely similar when rendered in a Chinese accent")
- "Tag a Tiger, Tag a Tiger – rah, rah, rah! Tag a Tiger, Tag a Tiger – oy! y’ur fun" (Brian Lucas of Lucas & Co., with apologies to the ladies of Imperial College)
- "Tag Heuer; classy and reliable - something to aspire to eh Tiger?" and "Contemplating the infinitely small - Tag Heuer's engineering and Tiger Wood's integrity" (Bonita Trimmer, Wragge)
- Borrowing from Timex, "Tag Heuer, takes a licking and keeps on ticking" (Professor Paul J. Heald, currently visiting various universities ...)
- "The chronograph for the confessional" (Edward Smith, IPO)
- “Tag Heuer – a pair of hands you can trust” (Guy Veysey, Accenture)
- "There's always time to play a round..." (Alex Freelove, Herbert Smith)
Here's another competition, for which the prize is a copy of the Complete Guide to Passing the European Qualifying Exam and qualifying as a European Patent Attorney, by Simon Roberts and Andrew Rudge. This, the brand-new 2010 edition, is published by Sweet & Maxwell (click here for details), and retails at a very reasonable £135. You can win it -- and all you have to do is this: just provide the worst translation into English that has been relied upon in a European patent prosecution (this would cover not only accepted claims but also the use of abstracts). The idea for this competition comes from the IPKat's friend and adviser George Brock-Nannestad, to whom his grateful thanks are expressed. Please send your entries by email to the IPKat by close of play on Sunday 28 March with the subject line "PatTrans".

If you're feeling ethical, you may be interested in this seminar, to held this coming Wednesday evening in Central London under the auspices of the Jewish Association for Business Ethics (JABE). Th title is "Whose Idea Was It Anyway? "The Ethics of Intellectual Property". The speakers are Rabbi Dovid Roberts (a JABE consultant and expert on business ethics) and IPKat team member Jeremy.
Monday miscellany
Reviewed by Jeremy
Monday, March 15, 2010

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