IPkat has
previously reported on the background and contents of the first compulsory
license application. Now, as we finally
have the decision itself (Decision nr NCL 001, of the 16th of March
2018), there are a number of interesting points to discuss.
Background of the case
On 12 October 2009, Smith Kline Beecham Limited (
“GSK” ) filed a Community plant
variety right (CPVR) application No 2009/1980 for the
variety ‘Ben Starav’ of the species Ribes nigrum L.. By Decision No (EU) 35825 of 8 July 2013, the Office
granted a CPVR. By request of 18 November 2014, GSKasked the Office to effect the recordal of the
transfer of rights to Lucozade Ribena Suntory Limited( “LRS”).
On 16 March 2017, the Office received an application
for a compulsory licence by Pixley Berries (Juice) Limited ( “the applicant”)
pursuant to Article 29 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 of 27 July 1994 on
Community plant variety rights (Basic Regulation) (the Council Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 of 27
July 1994),.
Article 29(1) of the Basic Regulation provides
that a compulsory licence shall only be granted on the ground ofthe public interest. Article 41(2) of the
Proceedings Regulation (of Commission Regulation (EC) No 874/2009
of 17.9.2009.) further provides three circumstances that may, in particular, constitute a public
a) The protection of life or health of
humans, animals and plants;
b) The need to supply the market with
material offering specific features;
c) The need to maintain the incentive for
continued breeding of improved varieties.
The CPVO clarifies in its decision that it
is the applicant that has the burden of proof regarding whether there is a public
interest, and thus clarifies that the CPVO will not proceed with an independent
investigation, but will base its
decision solely on the facts and
arguments raised by the parties to the proceedings.
The protection of life or health of
humans, animals and plants (Article 41(2)(a) of the
Proceedings Regulation)
The applicant claimed that there is a
public interest based on the benefit that
‘Ben Starav’ provides to the public health when used for the production of 100%
juices, as the consumption of said juices is associated with a healthy
lifestyle. Second, due to the climate change, it would be in the public
interest to use a variety that adapts well to different climatic conditions, as
it is the case for ‘Ben Starav’.
According to the CPVO, the applicant failed to show the specific benefits provided
by ‘Ben Starav’ to public health. The general statement provided by the
applicant is not enough (“healthy lifestyle”), since it fails to prove that
“Ben Starav” presents better characteristics than other blackcurrants.
Furthermore the use of the concept “healthy lifestyle” was considered by the
CPVO to be too generic, since it refers to a general way of life covering, for
instance, everything from a balance between work and private life to stress
control and personal hygiene, rather than pointing to the specific nutritional
characteristics of the particular plant
Furthermore, the applicant’s argument that
“Ben Starav”, adapts well to climatic zones, and thus also guarantees good
harvests throughout different seasons, does not provide any concrete evidence
of a public interest.
The need to supply the market with
material offering specific features (Article 41(2)(b) of the Proceedings Regulation)
The next step in
the evaluation of the CPVO consists of determining whether the characteristics
that are of importance from a public interest perspective are unique for the
specific plant variety. The applicant claimed that ‘Ben Starav’ has unique
characteristics, which make it unlike any other blackcurrant varieties, namely
i) a consistent high yield of good quality fruit, ii) harvest season not in
conflict with other cultivars , iii) even ripening at harvest, iv) even
bud-break across a range of winters , v) good juice quality from an organoleptic
point of view, vi) good compositional analysis and vii) excellent colour .
The CPVO concluded, however, that the
evidence provided by the parties is clear in that the alleged characteristics
of “Ben Starav” are not unique to the specific plant variety. As
such, the CPVO ruled that the alleged unique characteristics of the variety
“Ben Starav” do not fulfil the requirement of Article 41 (2) of the Proceedings
Regulation since these features are also
offered by other varieties of blackcurrant.
On the need to supply the market with
material from ‘Ben Starav’
The applicant claimed in brief that there
is a need to supply the market. Taking into consideration that it has been
shown that there are a number of available blackcurrant varieties, and that the
characteristics of importance from a public interest perspective are shared by several
other varieties of blackcurrant, the CPVO concluded that there is no need to supply the market
with “Ben Starav”.
On the public funding of the variety ‘Ben
Worthy of discussion is the fact that “Ben Starav” is the result of a
partly state-funded breeding program. LRS answered that this fact does not in itself mean that a third party may
exploit the research results by means of a compulsory license. The question thus posed to the CPVO was
whether state funding could have an impact on the grant of a compulsory
license. In other words, can partial public funding of the “Ben Starav”
breeding programme constitute a public interest sufficient to justify the grant of a compulsory license?
The CPVO concluded that this is not
necessarily the case. A state authority may choose to invest in a breeding
programme for reasons of public interest but at some point needs to determine
whether to claim the legal rights on the variety or to allow a private entity
to protect and own the plant variety protection, as in this case. When such a
decision is reached, the public (e.g., consumers and competitors) may not then raise
any claim to the variety in question. Thus, granting a compulsory licensing
should abide by the same rules irrespective of whether the breeding programme
leading to the variety was 100% private or 100% state funded.
Interest of the case
An important question that the CPVO
answered is whether alternatives to the variety are an important part of the
evaluation whether to grant a compulsory
license. The CPVO concluded that
although the determination of the existence of alternatives belongs to competition law (theory of essential
facilities), it is also important for
the determination of whether the requirements for the grant of a compulsory
license are fulfilled.
fact, where alternatives exist, the need to supply the market with the specific
plant variety becomes much more difficult to prove. In support of this argument, the CPVO points
to the ruling of the German Federal Court of Justice ruling of 11 July 2017 regarding
a patent on the antiviral agent “Raltegravir”. There, the Court stated that “a compulsory licence cannot be
granted if the public interest can be satisfied with other, essentially equivalent
alternatives”. It is interesting how the
CPVO chose to seek guidance by reference
to parallels between patents and intellectual
property rights. Moreover, this decision points to the growing importance of competition law
principles in the application and interpretation of intellectual property law
Public interest in Plant Variety Rights. How high is the bar for the grant of a compulsory license?
Reviewed by Frantzeska Papadopoulou
Friday, April 20, 2018

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