Post by Jeremy and Ilanah:

The IPKat has heard from a friendly Euro-mole that the English translation of the Advocate General's Opinion in the copyright/essential facilities case of IMS v NDC Case C-418/01 is ready and will be sent today for posting on the internet. There is however no guarantee that it will appear on the internet today.

Meanwhile, the IPKat notes that the European Court of Justice is expected to hand down its decisions in Koninklijke KPN Nederland (the POSTKANTOOR case) and Campina Melkunie (the BIOMILD case) on 12 February, a little more than two years after the Advocate General gave his Opinion in them. The AG's Opinion in Koninklijke KPN Nederland has only recently been made available (IPKat, 9 January), while his Opinion in Campina Melkunie is still awaited.
ECJ TRANSLATION WATCH ECJ TRANSLATION WATCH Reviewed by Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo on Friday, January 30, 2004 Rating: 5

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