Harrods Ltd v Times Newspapers Ltd and others, a Chancery Division decision of Mr Justice Warren today, has so far been picked up only by the Butterworths All England Direct subscription service (well done!).
Warren J ordered the disclosure that the newspaper sought, holding as follows:
*If the paper could rely on matters that came to light after publication of its original article, the court had jurisdiction to order disclosure under the Civil Procedure Rules;
* Although there had to be something to justify the allegations made by the defendant, there was nothing to suggest that he could only base a public interest defence on what was known at the date of publication;
* As to proportionality, it would be wrong to order disclosure that was disproportionate to the information reasonably expected to be discovered.
History of Harrods here
£8.50p for a cup of Harrods tea here
Royal Philips Electronics, on its Veeza webpage, carries a link to the details of its Veeza licensing scheme for its CD-R disk patents. The company says:
"With this innovative system ... Philips helps the industry combat unfair competition from trade in unlicensed CD-R discs.The IPKat notices how derisory the per-disk royalties are (there's not much you can buy for US$0.045 to 0.025). However, with consumers stampeding away from CD and into the arms of iPod, he wonders if it isn't a case of 'too little, too late' ... Merpel commends Philips on their openness and says, if IP owners make it really easy to take licences and remain tough with fakes, even infringers may come to see that lawful manufacture is in their best interests.
Veeza makes it simple for everyone involved in the trade of CD-R discs to recognize unlicensed goods. With traditional patent licensing methods, traders and retail companies tend to have difficulty in verifying that the goods they have purchased are licensed and royalties have been paid. Veeza will make it easier to sell licensed CD-R discs and more difficult to sell unlicensed discs. Discs distributed under a Veeza-license can easily be traced and recognized by three clear marks: a logo that is embedded in the disc, a serial number on each package carton and an authenticity document, called Licensed Status Confirmation Document (LSCD). These three marks provide simple proof that a shipment with CD-R discs is licensed under Philips’ patents.
Manufacturers participating in Veeza help promote the transparent and fair trade in CD-R discs by using the Veeza logo and Veeza LSCD with their products. Veeza-compliant companies will therefore benefit from a 44% reduction in the royalty, which goes down from 0.045 to 0.025 USD per CD-R disc.
'The trade in unlicensed CD-R discs is undermining the possibility of CD-R disc manufactures to compete on quality, manufacturing expertise, and logistics excellence’, said Ruud Peters, CEO of Philips Intellectual Property & Standards. ‘Veeza aims to promote fair competition by creating a level playing field in the CD-R market, which will help build a more favorable business environment for the CD-R industry’.Philips co-invented the CD-Recordable disc system in the early 1990s and has a portfolio of patents essential for manufacturing and selling CD-R discs. Philips successfully promoted the worldwide adoption of CD-R by making these patents available on reasonable and non-discriminatory conditions. Likewise, Philips has successfully promoted the DVD and DVD+RW standards. Currently, Philips is a major driver of innovation in Blu-ray technology and many other technologies.
To safeguard an appropriate return on investment made in R&D, Philips places great value in protecting its innovations through intellectual property rights (IPRs). The company currently holds about 115,000 patent rights, 26,000 trade mark registrations, 15,000 design registrations, some 1,600 domain name registrations".
Veeza FAQs here
Reviewed by Jeremy
Monday, January 23, 2006
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