The thesis asks whether China’s IPR enforcement laws are TRIPs-compliant. According to its author:
"At least on paper most of China’s IPR procedural laws are compliant with specific TRIPs provisions. China’s IPR laws are certainly non-compliant to the more general provisions of TRIPs, due to incompatible extra-judicial factors. Nevertheless, no unequivocal preference for a WTO case against China can be given. Another option, although more complicated, to tackle China’s IPR enforcement challenges is to be preferred: to address China’s transparency, market access, uniform application of law, integrity and impartiality of the courts and expertise in and respect for IPR".You can read the thesis here in pdf format. Danny welcomes your comments if you email them to him here.
CORRECTION! Danny has since told the IPKat that his thesis is "only" a Masters dissertation, not a doctorate. The Kat has told him to hurry up with his doctorate!
The exciting and well-informed Spicy IP blog is one of the best things to have come out of India in a long time. It has a strong team of writers and a wealth of lively and controversial subject-matter to discuss. Notwithstanding this, the blog is looking for further co-bloggers. According to Spicy IP activist Shamnad Basheer,
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Maybe, due to "incompatible extra-judicial factors", China's IPR laws is non-compliant (I presume it's correct). However, such a problem of enforcement of law is suffered not only by IPR laws, but any other laws. That's, any law in China has been sticking with "incompatible extra-judicial factors"!
ReplyDeleteSo, is it fair to ask China to give more priority to the enforcement of "IPR" laws? I'd like to take labor law, price law, administration licensing law as priority!
What I want to say about this thesis is that the arguement, "China’s IPR laws are certainly non-compliant to TRIPs", can not be supported by a universal defects of China's law enforcement system. So, technically speaking, I wound't buy the arguement in this essays.
Moreover, I won't deny there are lots of things need to be done in China, including inprove the enforcement of laws.
153 pages for a Master's thesis. That is hard work. Congratulations!