Right: "Teachers' Pet", one of a selection of delightful posters from Allposters

UK (or is that DigiBrit?) legal practitioners who still think that the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 is still part of the armoury of legal weapons for dealing with, among other things, counterfeit goods sold as though they were legitimate, had better take a reality check. You can start here with Filemot's post on SOLO IP if you've nowhere more convenient ...

Here's an advance notice for contributors to, and peer-reviewers for, Oxford University Press's monthly Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice. This autumn JIPLP is going to be processing all stages of the submission, review and correction process via ScholarOne's Manuscript Central system. The exact date on which the change-over takes place will be announced at the end of April. Once the new system is in operation, articles, current intelligence notes and book reviews may only be submitted via this system. You can be sure that it will be a real pain in the teething stages, for all of us, but the long-term advantages are immense. They include things like (i) articles not getting lost in the pipeline, (ii) peer reviewers getting automatic reminders that someone, somewhere wants to hear from them and (iii) a means by which authors of articles can find out online, at 2.30am on a Sunday morning, the exact stage reached in the processing of their article. You have been warned!

Via R. S. Praveen Raj comes a link to this item in The Hindu concerning the registration of the image of a deity as a trade mark in India. The proprietor, the Attukal Bhagawathy Temple, maintains that its registration of a mark entitled ‘Sabarimala of Women’ would help to prevent unauthorised use of the image and the title. Praveen Raj, himself a former patent and designs examiner, has raised a number of issues relating to the sensitive interface between religious faith and commercial practice, which leads the IPKat to wonder what his readers think.

Monday medley
Reviewed by Jeremy
Monday, March 16, 2009

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