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Like I would trust any other "analysis" from you after that idiotic error.
ReplyDeleteInterestingly (maybe) it only applies to patents granted after the legislation is passed.
ReplyDeleteThere could therefore be big financial rewards for putting the brakes on applications currently getting close to grant... which rather contradicts with the clamour to speed everything up.
So by cross licensing bogus patents (or patent applications even), companies will now be able to effectively reduce their taxation level from 28% to 10%?
ReplyDeleteReminds me of the trick, applicable at least to the US, to donate "valuable" bogus patents to academic institutions in order to earn a tax deduction equal to their "value".
As indicated here:
ReplyDeletePre-Budget Report
"The Government will consult with business in time for Finance Bill
2011 on the detailed design of the Patent Box, which will apply to patents granted after the
legislation is passed."
My suggestion for a suitable design would be the Tardis - looks small from the outside but is capable of swallowing up an enormous volume. Just right for corporation tax dodgers.