"This book is a comprehensive analysis of the European Qualifying Exam for European Patent Attorney candidates preparing for the exam. The book’s title alludes to the fact that paper D lays a legal foundation for the legally-oriented practical papers A, B and C.
It is designed principally for candidates who are embarking on their EQE preparations, to enable them to lay the foundations of effective exam preparation and enhance their professional performance. It will also be useful for candidates and resitters who need to review what they have achieved so far in order to consolidate and continue successfully. ABC/D Comprehensive is more than a primer to introduce beginners to the EQE. It provides a thorough understanding of the exam so candidates can orient effectively their exam preparation in order to optimize their return on the considerable investment involved".Brian Cronin, a British Chartered Patent Attorney and European Patent Attorney with over 40 years experience, is based in Nyon, Switzerland. Brian has been giving advice to candidates for the European Qualifying Exam since 1984 and this book condenses his vast experience into a ready-to-follow guide for trainees.

"Providing you with a comprehensive study guide for preparing for the European Qualifying Exam, the 2010 edition:
* Provides commentary on the relevant law and rules;
* Includes annotated guides to the EPC and PCT;
* Covers the relevant case law you need to know for the exam;
* Includes sample questions fit with model answers;
* Shows you how to best structure your answers so that it fulfils all the requirements examiners are looking for;
* Offers strategies for answering papers A, B, C, D1 and D2;
* Addresses Papers A and B for both the Chemistry and Electricity/Mechanical options;
Takes a topical approach, following all the phases in patent applications".

Merpel doesn't believe that all the guidance on passing the EQEs is published in English. She suspects that there must be something in French, German, Spanish and/or Italian, and asks readers to let her know.

There are a number of other books that are relevant for the preparation for the EQE - like
ReplyDeleteDerk Visser: The Annotated EPC - www.htelpublisher.com,
Jelle Hoekstra: References to the EPC - www.deltapatents.com, and
Cees Mulder: The Cross-Referenced PCT - www.helze.com
Surely "Procedural Law under EPC 2000", which can be found through the same link as the mentioned "PCT Procedures and Passage..." book (as it is by the same authors) should be another recommendation.
ReplyDeleteIt combines references to the EPC, guidelines and Case Law in a one-stop location.
when I read a book and I go on reading, could someone please enlighten as to how to use a book for preparing practice-intensive exams like EQE.
ReplyDeleteI noticed as I sat the EQE that many German candidates used a large loose-leaf binder titled Kommentar zum EPÜ 2000 as their only reference.
ReplyDeleteVisser was my most useful non-official reference during the exam. For understanding the background of the law, the 2009 edition of Singer+Staude proved excellent. The book by Roberts+Rudge is better for reviewing and practicing old papers, even though the T and G case law summary proved useful during the exams (I knew what I was looking for). The labeling of the sections (A, B, C, etc.) caused some confusion.
I am not aware of any recent (or even ancient) material in French specifically related to the EQE. I surmise that there might exist some course handouts edited by CEIPI.
Even though this observation is hardly original, I would add that the key to success lies in knowing where to locate required information quickly, so one needs to know whichever references was selected inside out. My copy of the EPC ended up covered with markers and cross-references and hand-annotations, dito for EPO ancillary documents. The other thing is that you must always keep moving on, I nearly ran out of time in D because I got stumped in one of the earlier questions. Sitting down and completely answering old (D) papers in a quiet study and with the watch ticking is essential, een though many topics wouldn't be relevant anymore because of changes in the law. At least I wasn't frightened when I entered the exam room, even though I was rather tense. I felt a bit overwhelmed about all the PCT procedural stuff and specifics of foreign patent law, which in the end did not represent a major part of the papers.
In the EQE secretariat's report on the exit survey answered by the 2010 candidates, a book called "Baque" was mentioned many times. Googling this, I can only find this out-of-print 2005 edition of "CBE-PCT" by Grégory Baque.
ReplyDeleteI found "a guide to EPC 2000" by Nicholas Fox quite handy in exam.
ReplyDeleteWhen choosing your materials for the preparation of the EQE, watch out who is the author.
ReplyDeleteEQE passed? Professional reprentative? Lawyer?
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