August in January, come what May. Always quick to growl at the International Trademark Association (INTA) when it rubs him up the wrong way, this Kat feels that it is only proper to purr with pleasure when that august organisation does something which he considers commendable. It is thus that the INTA receives its first katpat of the year for the following email from its Communications Coordinator Jean-Claude Darné:
Time is of the essence, since 25 January 2013 is not a hundred years away. Do please get in touch with Carin Diep at -- or, if this is not for you but you know of someone who might be interested -- do spread the word!
"I saw this post on your blog: [which ends with a bit of a rant ...] and thought your younger readers may be interested in a scholarship opportunity we’re offering INTA student members (bearing in mind that membership for students only costs $25 a year!).Here’s the details:· One FREE registration to the Annual Meeting – this includes ALL sessions, networking events and receptions.
· Up to $500 stipend for travel expenses related to the meeting (the stipend will not be disbursed until the recipients have fulfilled all required activities listed.)
· Complimentary hotel room for duration of meeting.
· The opportunity to meet and network with trademark practitioners from around the world!
· The opportunity to build your resume by being a speaker on a panel.
Scholarship recipients are required to:· Speak on a panel on Sunday, May 5 titled, “What Do Students Expect from Their IP Adjunct Professors?”
· Moderated by one adjunct professor, the five scholarship recipients will discuss what they expect from their professors.
· Required preparation will include attending 2-3 telephone conferences prior to the panel and attending one mock panel on the afternoon of Saturday, May 4.
· Attend Career Development Day on Monday, May 6.
· Assist INTA staff during the Annual Meeting.
· This may include proctoring courses, helping Annual Meeting speakers with PowerPoint presentations; or facilitating Speed Networking sessions.
Interested students can connect with us via Facebook or Twitter and I’ll connect them to INTA staff member managing the scholarship program. We’re accepting applications until January 25th".
Student scholarships: thank you, INTA!
Reviewed by Jeremy
Monday, January 14, 2013

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