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After a long day at work, there is nothing which is more reinvigorating than 1 beer and a 3-hour chat on exclusive broadcasting rights |
This morning the Court of Justice of
the European Union (CJEU) published its judgment (not yet available on the Curia website) in Case C-283/11 Sky
Österreich GmbH v Österreichischer Rundfunk, a reference
from the Bundeskommunikationssenat (Federal
Superior Council for Communication, Austria) addressing, once again, exciting issues such as football and exclusive broadcasting rights.
The Austrian court had reverted to
the CJEU seeking guidance as to whether Article 15(6) of Directive
2010/13/EU (the 'Audiovisual
Media Services Directive') was compliant with the respect of fundamental rights,
in particular the freedom to conduct a business and the right to property,
pursuant to Articles 16 and 17 of the Charter of
Fundamental Rights, respectively.
Article 15 of the
Directive confers on broadcasters the right to make short news reports on
events of high interest to the public which are transmitted on an exclusive
basis by a television broadcasting organisation. To this end, broadcasters are
allowed access to the signal emitted by the body that holds the exclusive
transmission rights in order to enable them to choose the short extracts that
will make up their news reports. Article 15(6) of the Directive lays down
the rule that where, in the implementation of the right thus granted to
broadcasters, compensation is provided for, it may not exceed the additional
costs directly incurred in providing access to short extracts.
As explained by
Advocate General Bot in his Opinion on 12 June last, the reference for a
preliminary ruling raised the question of reconciling requirements relating
to the protection of various fundamental rights, namely the freedom to conduct
a business and the right to property on the one hand, and the freedom to
receive information and media pluralism on the other.
Sky had been
authorised by the Austrian communication regulatory authority (‘KommAustria’)
to broadcast via satellite the coded digital television programme ‘Sky Sport
Austria’. In 2009 the latter acquired exclusive rights to broadcast from time
to time UEFA Europa League matches in the 2009/2010 to 2011/2012 seasons within
the licence territory of Austria. Sky spends several million euros each year on
the licence and production costs.

In 2010 ORF
asked KommAustria to declare that Sky was required to grant it the right to
produce short news reports on Europa League games involving Austrian teams,
without ORF having to pay it remuneration greater than the additional costs
incurred directly by the provision of access to the signal.
KommAustria held
that, as the exclusive right holder, Sky was under an obligation to grant ORF
the right to produce short news reports and was not entitled to the
reimbursement of any costs beyond the additional costs directly incurred in
providing access to the signal. It also laid down the conditions under which
this right could be exercised by ORF. Among those, it was stated that the
additional costs incurred directly by the provision of access to the satellite
signal were zero in this case.
Both parties
appealed this decision to the Bundeskommunikationssenat.
In its appeal Sky
argued, among other things, that the obligation under Article 15(6) of the
Directive to grant the right to make short news reports for no consideration
contravened the Charter, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and Austrian constitutional law. Sky
emphasised, in particular, that Article 15(6) of the Directive systematically
precludes any compensation for the limitation to which the exclusive rights are
subject, and this was not only unfair, but also contrary to the principle of proportionality.
The Austrian court
was not sure on how the points raised by Sky should be addressed, so it referred the
following question to the CJEU:
“Is Article 15(6) of
[the Directive] compatible with Articles 16 and 17 of the Charter ...
and with Article 1 of Protocol No 1 to the [ECHR]?”
According to AG Bot, the answer should have been in the
affirmative, as he found no factors which were such as to affect the validity
of Article 15(6) of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive. The CJEU upheld
AG Bot’s Opinion.
CJEU's response
According to today's press
release from the Court, the Charter does not preclude a limitation
like that envisaged by Article 15(6) of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive. In fact:
"In so far as
concerns the protection of property, as a fundamental right, the Court
recognises that exclusive broadcasting rights, as acquired by Sky, have asset
value and do not constitute mere commercial interests or opportunities [really?].
However, when Sky acquired those rights by means of a contract (in August
2009), EU law already provided for the right to make short news reports, while
limiting the amount of compensation to the additional costs directly
incurred in providing access to the signal. Therefore, Sky cannot rely on an
established legal position enabling it to exercise its exclusive broadcasting
rights autonomously. Consequently, Sky cannot rely on the protection of
property, laid down in the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
[Although] the Court finds that the legislation in dispute encroaches upon the
freedom to conduct a business ... [that] freedom ... is particular in that it may be subject to a broad range of
interventions on the part of public authorities which may limit the exercise of
economic activity in the public interest [see the second part of Article 17(1) of the Charter]. That fact is reflected, inter alia,
in the way in which the principle of proportionality must be implemented.
[T]he limitation in dispute on the freedom to conduct a business
is justified and ... is in line with the principle of proportionality,
inter alia.
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Exerting the exclusive right to invade the football pitch and hitting the news, all at once |
limitation pursues, without affecting the essential content of the freedom to
conduct a business, an objective in the general interest in that it seeks to
safeguard the fundamental freedom to receive information and to promote
pluralism of the media, guaranteed by the Charter. In that respect, the Court
states that the marketing on an exclusive basis of events of high interest to
the public is increasing and is liable to restrict considerably the access of
the general public to information relating to those events.
[T]he contested legislation ensures a fair balance between the
various rights and fundamental freedoms at issue in the case. The Audiovisual
Media Services Directive provides that short news reports may only be produced
for general news programmes and not, for example, programmes serving
entertainment purposes. In addition, those short extracts should not exceed
ninety seconds and their source must be indicated. Moreover, the directive does
not prevent holders of exclusive broadcasting rights from charging for the use
of their rights. Similarly, the absence of a possibility of refinancing through
set-off and any reduction in the commercial value of those exclusive
broadcasting rights may, in practice, be taken into account during contractual
negotiations relating to the acquisition of the rights at issue and be
reflected in the price paid for that acquisition."
The (low) cost of balancing broadcasting rights with the public interest
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

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