Things are really happening in Armenia, it seems. The IPKat learns from a World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) media alert ("PLT Notification No. 37: Patent Law Treaty (PLT)) that the Republic of Armenia has deposited its instrument of accession to the Patent Law Treaty, which will take effect in Armenia on 17 September 2013. By the sheerest of sheer coincidences, another WIPO media alert draws this Kat's attention to the fact that, on that very same date, Armenia's accession to the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks also takes effect. All the Kats say "Armenia -- welcome to the club!", let's hope it's of mutual benefit to Armenia and to the rest of the world.
This Kat has just been perusing one of those pieces of EU legislation that come and go without disturbing the consciousness of most of us, but which form part of the coral reef of EU IP law, built up by layers of legislation each of which is almost imperceptible in itself but which, cumulatively, make up their own Great Barrier Reef when it comes to trade. The piece of legislation in question goes by the unforgettable name of "Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 675/2013 of 15 July 2013 approving non-minor amendments to the specification for a name entered in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications [Pomodoro di Pachino (PGI)]". Its subject is an Italian tomato, the name of which may not be taken in vain. The thing that troubles this Kat is not however the notion of a Protected Pomodoro, but rather the user-unfriendliness of the manner in which the legislation is made available to the public. The title of this Regulation indicates that non-minor amendments have been made in the PGI specification of the tomato in question -- but there is nothing in the Regulation that indicates what the amendments to the specification are, what they were before they were amended and why they are non-minor (or "major", as we like to think of them). How much would it cost the Commission to arrange for a few simple hyperlinks, to save us the hassle of having to root around for the information ourselves?
Around the weblogs. Two Afro-IP items catch the eye right now. The first relates to the speculation over the location of one, or even two, new WIPO offices in Africa: there's even a side bar poll so you can vote in an unofficial and non-binding popularity poll on where such office(s) should be. The second Afro-IP item of note is that Kingsley Egbuonu is taking a well-earned blogging sabbatical till at least December in order to concentrate on his research activities. Good luck, Kingsley -- we look forward to your return! Meanwhile, how many readers know -- or can even guess -- what a B Corp is? Take a look at Mike Mireles' post here on IP Finance and you'll soon find out.
This Kat has just been perusing one of those pieces of EU legislation that come and go without disturbing the consciousness of most of us, but which form part of the coral reef of EU IP law, built up by layers of legislation each of which is almost imperceptible in itself but which, cumulatively, make up their own Great Barrier Reef when it comes to trade. The piece of legislation in question goes by the unforgettable name of "Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 675/2013 of 15 July 2013 approving non-minor amendments to the specification for a name entered in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications [Pomodoro di Pachino (PGI)]". Its subject is an Italian tomato, the name of which may not be taken in vain. The thing that troubles this Kat is not however the notion of a Protected Pomodoro, but rather the user-unfriendliness of the manner in which the legislation is made available to the public. The title of this Regulation indicates that non-minor amendments have been made in the PGI specification of the tomato in question -- but there is nothing in the Regulation that indicates what the amendments to the specification are, what they were before they were amended and why they are non-minor (or "major", as we like to think of them). How much would it cost the Commission to arrange for a few simple hyperlinks, to save us the hassle of having to root around for the information ourselves?
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Kingsley |
Monday miscellany
Reviewed by Jeremy
Monday, July 22, 2013

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