How many IP cases did the
Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) -- to be intended this time as
encompassing, amongst others, the Court of Justice and the General Court --
decide last year? How long does it take for the CJEU to decide a case? How many
references for a preliminary ruling were made in 2014?
If you have been wondering all these things (as you most surely have), well, wonder no
The CJEU has in fact issued a provisional full version of its 2014
Report. Like previous editions, not only is the Report a synopsis of the
work of the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal,
but also a source of yummy information for IP aficionados.
Among other things, it may be interesting to observe that, while
in 2013 the Court of Justice decided 43 cases
in the area of IP and industrial property (p 94), the figures were much higher
in 2014, with a total of 69 cases (p 104) completed by means of a judgment,
opinion or order involving a judicial determination. Overall, this is an
increase of 60%, notes Merpel.
These look like busy times at the CJEU. As the CJEU President, Vassilious Skouris, observed
indeed in his foreword (p 5) to the Report,
"A new record was achieved in 2014 with a total
of 1691 cases brought before the three courts, that is to say, the highest
number since the judicial system of the European Union was created. On the other hand, as 1685 cases
were completed, the institution’s productivity was likewise the highest
recorded in its history."
Does this increased activity also mean longer duration of the
relevant proceedings?
Apparently not, as Mr Skouris made it clear that
"This increased productivity also had its counterpart in
the duration of proceedings, which was reduced."
No time to waste: a CJEU judge on his way to work |
Taking for instance the case of references for a preliminary
ruling, while the 2013 Report highlighted how the average duration of
proceedings was 16.3 months (p 10), the 2014 Report states that it now takes
just [oh well, whether this is a long time or not also depends on what
Member State(s) you take as a term of reference ...] 15 months to have a
decision (p 9).
Among the aspects that have
contributed to reducing the duration of proceedings, the Report mentions "the
possibility of giving judgment without an opinion of the advocate general"
(p 9). This is allowed by Article 20(5) of the CJEU
Statute, which states that:
"Where it considers that the case raises no new point of
law, the Court may decide, after hearing the Advocate-General, that the case
shall be determined without a submission from the Advocate-General."
The latter has been indeed an increasingly frequent feature of IP
references, notably in the area of copyright [on
which see this Katpost].
Among recent references that were decided without the opinion of an Advocate
General (AG) first (possibly because sooooo straightforward ...), it is sufficient
to recall the topical and highly controversial cases on hyperlinking and the
right of communication/making available to the public within Article 3 of the InfoSoc
Directive [for
the latest post on this seemingly never-ending saga, click here].
Overall in 2014 208 judgments were delivered without an AG Opinion (p
As regards the distribution of cases between the various
formations of the Court of Justice, it is worth observing that the Grand
Chamber [composed of 13 judges: see Article 16(2) of the Statute] dealt with roughly
8.7% of cases, including the important reference from Belgium in Deckmyn seeking clarification as
regards the notion of parody under Article 5(3)(k) of the InfoSoc
Directive [see Katposts here and further here].
And, speaking of Deckmyn,
the Report lists it together with other four decisions (pp 56-58), these being International
Stem Cell Corporation [here,
another decision of the Grand Chamber concerning the patentability of
biotechnological inventions and the notion of 'human embryo', following the
controversial 2011 decision in Brustle, here], Nintendo [Katposts here, another
copyright case concerning protection of videogames and circumvention of
technological protection measures], Telekabel [here,
concerning the compatibility of blocking injunctions with EU copyright],
and Apple [here, another case decided without an AG Opinon and concerning the possibility to register the design of a
retail store as a trade mark].
*Obviously* speaking of an AG Opinion |
According to the Report, these were the most important IP cases in
the area of ‘approximation of laws’, meaning: references for a preliminary
And speaking of references, a new one has just made its way to the
Court of Justice. It is Liffers,
C-99/15, a reference from Spain concerning interpretation
of Article 13(1) of the Enforcement
Directive and calculation of damages in (copyright) infringement
cases, notably:
Article 13(1) of [the Enforcement Directive] be interpreted as meaning that the
party injured by an intellectual property infringement who claims damages for
pecuniary loss based on the amount of royalties or fees that would be due if
the infringer had requested authorisation to use the intellectual property
right in question cannot also claim damages for the moral prejudice suffered?" [if you wish to
comment on this case you may email the UK Intellectual Property Office at by 27 April 2015]
Overall what emerges from the Report is that the activity of
the CJEU is not bound to diminish any time soon, and this is (at least) for the joy of all
those with a particular fancy for EU IP cases …
Erm... suspect that you might have typed 59 into your calculator, not 69, when doing the sums.
ReplyDelete43 cases in 2013, 69 in 2014 - that's a 60% increase, not 38%.
Data source: PDF page 104 of the 2014 report
Ops! Thanks for pointing that out
ReplyDelete"speaking of references"
ReplyDeletethe recent Dutch language IP related cases have numbers (but no translations yet)
C-174/15 Vereniging Openbare Bibliotheken (ebooks)
C-169/15 Montis/Goossens (benelux court of J. reviving of expired copyright; copyright term extension directive)
C-160/15 GS Media (Geenstijl vs Sanoma/Britt Dekker) re hyperlinking
Questions in Louboutin (trade/colour/shape mark?) have been proposed but not formally been asked