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Intrepid WIPO staff searching for a fresh place to spread word of their services |
This week marked the first time that this Kat, in all his travels, has actually been in the same country as a Roving Seminar and at the same time so, with a heart full of curiosity and eager anticipation, he headed off to Be'er Sheva, a booming town surrounded by technology parks and industrial zones which is perched close to the edge of the Negev desert. There, before an audience of some 98 registrants, the seminar commenced in the lovely, modern premises of the Carasso Science Park.
The event opened with welcomes from Asa Kling (head of the local IP Office) and Yoshiyuko Takagi (Assistant Director General, WIPO) and, in a refreshing change from the business side of WIPO activities, in a series of short presentations by winners of the Israel Patent Office Prize for an Excelling Academic Thesis on Various Fields of IP: the prize winners were Michael Cohen, Talya Ponchek and Omer Hayun and their prize-winning essays sought respectively (i) to demonstrate that empirical evidence did not support the contention that dilution of a trade mark leads to a diminution of its popularity, (ii) to reflect the level of inter-sector collaboration reflected by cited patents and (iii) to contrast legislative and non-legislative approaches towards deceptive trade dress [all these essays are hosted on the Israel Patent Office website, on its Hebrew pages].
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WIPO's message -- but not a faceless one ... |
The pre-lunch period was then occupied by two more members of the WIPO roving troupe. Matthew Bryan introduced the now quite ample array of dispute resolution tools available via its Arbitration and Mediation Center and Yoshiyuki Takagi followed, with a slightly condensed but no less useful presentation on the bewildering variety of databases available for IP platforms and the connected knowledge economy. Following lunch and slightly delayed by technical issues in which this Kat may have inadvertently had a paw, the final WIPO speaker, Paolo Lanteri, gave the brightest, breeziest presentation of the day when he tackled digital copyright developments, most of which pertained to the legal and commercial issues concerning computer games (leaving us all very 'twitchy') and user-generated content. There then followed a bit of question-and-answer and a chance for everyone to clap hands, say goodbye and step out into the gentle, warming sun -- maybe none the wiser but definitely better informed.
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A little reading before you attend the Roving Seminar might be a good idea |
If you live in a country that has not yet been blessed with a visit from the Roving Seminars but would like to receive one, do contact your local intellectual property office and suggest they offer to host one. If you're running a national office and you're not sure who to contact at WIPO about getting one going, email Victor Vazquez-Lopez. He'll know what to do!
WIPO Roving Seminars: a Kat samples one
Reviewed by Jeremy
Monday, April 13, 2015

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