The IPKat's usual summary of events and other IP-related news!
Tomorrow, 25 May, OxFirst will be running the Intellectual Property Wealth Generation
Taster Session in connection with the IP
Wealth Generation Course, a two-day course that OxFirst will be running iat
Oxford. See here for registration to the Taster
Session and here for more information on the Course.
The World Intellectual Property Organisation
will organise two Roving Seminars in France: on 5 June in Bordeaux and 7 June
in Marseille. The seminars are free of charge. For more information and
registration, see here (please note that the events and
the relevant documentation will be in French).
On 6 June, Herbert Smith Freehills will
organise in its London offices Markfest: An Evening of Trade Marks,
which will focus on recent developments in trade mark law (enforcement and
jurisdiction issues and a case-law roundup). For more information and
registration, see here.

On 8 June, UNION-IP will host the round table Designs Law on the Move, where recent
developments in thedesign law will be analysed, commented on and discussed by a
panel of international specialists. Topics will includeprior art in design Law
- validity and infringement proceedings; strategies regarding multijurisdiction-litigation
of design issues in the EU; from the EU to the US - strategies when first
filing a European design; and Brexit and
designs,- impact and preparation in view of March 2019. For more information
see here and for registration, here.
IIPLA will host its Global IP Summit 2018 Europe and Global Pharma IP Summit Europe on 14 and 15 June in London. For
more information and registration, see here.
The IPKat already mentioned that on 19 June J A
Kemp will host the event How to Protect
and Exploit Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property. However, please be
informed that the location for this event has been changed from Kastrup to
Copenhagen (Clarion Hotel, Copenhagen Airport).
As the fashion industry has grown so has the
need to understand the legal side of the business. A one-day intensive Fashion Law Masterclass will take participants through the law of
intellectual property in the fashion industry and how it applies to the business of fashion. It will also explore the essential legal
issues faced by a fashion business as it grows from a start-up to luxury
fashion phase. The Fashion Law Masterclass will take place on 22 June, see here for further information on enrolment.
EU Studies/Summer
The European Parliament has published
a study on the Implementation of the Directive
2011/77/EU: copyright term of protection. IPKat’s own Nedim Malovic
contributed to the study by writing the part related to Sweden.
Thursday Thingies
Reviewed by Cecilia Sbrolli
Thursday, May 24, 2018

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