Following Volumes I and II and the conference which took place in March, Darren Meale of Simmons & Simmons presents his third volume of the keenly awaited
Retromark trade mark litigation round up.
Here’s what Darren writes:
“Six months have passed already. Here we go
again with a race through some, but by no means all, of the most significant
trade mark cases since the Autumn. Don’t be too upset if your case hasn’t made
it – there were some tough choices.
KIT KAT is back as the
Advocate General gives his two fingerstwo cents
In Volume II we reported on Nestlé’s loss of its UK shape mark for the four
finger Kit Kat chocolate bar. This followed the loss of the equivalent EU
registration following the General Court’s 2016 decision. The EU proceedings
are not done, because Nestlé is off to the CJEU. We now have the Advocate
General’s opinion. Nestlé lost at the EU level because although the General
Court felt the Kit Kat shape had acquired distinctiveness in some countries
(including the UK, although the UK Court of Appeal disagreed), there was not
sufficient evidence that it had done so across the 28 EU Member States (in
particular in Belgium, Ireland, Greece and Portugal). The Advocate General’s
view is that the General Court’s analysis of the evidence Nestlé relied upon
was sound. So, he says, the CJEU should dismiss Nestlé’s appeal. We’ll be
waiting a little while to see if the CJEU agrees. See The Guardian for
the mainstream press’s take.
There’s no sign
of a further appeal on the UK mark to the UK Supreme Court – so that looks like
it is done. Acquired distinctiveness in the EU is hard. Even for the deepest
pockets, proving distinctiveness in 28 countries is an awful lot of work.
Nevertheless, according to the EUIPO register there are more than 80 EUTM
registrations for 3D shape marks which have acquired distinctiveness, including
this fellow.
A PI for FI on LDNR
Frank Industries v
Nike [2018] EWCA Civ 497 (Court of Appeal) (March 2018) (not on Bailii)
I’m told that back in the day, preliminary
injunctions in trade mark cases were two a penny. Nowadays, they are often considered
too expensive or too risky (because of the requirement of a cross undertaking
as to damages) and accordingly rare. So well done Frank Industries, owner of a
registration for LDNR – a women’s activewear brand – for taking on
Nike over its use of the same mark in a high profile advertising campaign. It obtained an injunction which covered
Nike’s social media feeds and accounts, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
and YouTube. In an appeal, Nike was successful in watering down the impact of
the injunction, so it did not need to delete tweets or delete a YouTube video
provided it retitled it and blurred the use LDNR in it, and so it could
“archive” rather than delete Instagram posts. The key here was that the
original injunction would have resulted in the permanent loss of aspects of the
social media posts, including comments, shares and likes – elements on which
the Court of Appeal was persuaded to give some significant importance (and
perhaps it is these things in which the real value of social media relies).
IPKat here.
A profoundly significant
CJEU reference in Sky’s latest litigation
If there is one thing certain in trade marks,
it is that if yours has the word SKY in it, you’ll be getting a letter from
Sky, the UK telecommunications giant. In this case it is the turn of cloud IT
services provider SkyKick. Mr Justice Arnold’s
decision was that Sky has won its infringement claim – Sky’s registrations are
confusingly similar to SKYKICK – subject to the validity of those
registrations. SkyKick says they are invalid, and Arnold J has asked the CJEU to
opine. SkyKick says they are invalid for several reasons, essentially because
Sky has a habit of overclaiming in its specifications for too many goods and
services which are either defined with insufficient clarity (for example, says
SkyKick, “computer software”) or, because Sky has no intention to use its marks
for them, were filed in bad faith. SkyKick’s allegations raise some really
fascinating issues and the impact of the CJEU’s decision could have
far-reaching consequences for all of us. IPKat here. The final form of questions to the CJEU is set out in a follow-up
judgment dated 27 April here (I also covered this case in Volume II, and noted that for transparency that S&S previously advised SkyKick
on aspects of this case). An example Sky EUTM which, like other Sky
registrations, covers everything from “wax for skis” to “bullet-proof
waistcoats”, can be found here.
Swap the non-distinctive
words and add a house mark: not enough to avoid conflict
For those involved in brand clearance, this is
an illustration of the state of the Thomson Life principle in action
before the UKIPO. Take two arguably descriptive words and combine them with a
house mark (in this case UBS, the investment bank) and find yourself
conflicting with those same two arguably descriptive words placed the other way
around. In my view, this case goes too far. It over protects a mark of limited
distinctiveness (WEALTHSMART) by taking the Thomson
Life principle even further than Arnold J did in Aveda. Things have gone too
far, and it is decisions like this which make clearing new brands so hard. I wonder
whether WEALTHSMART is one of those marks to be debated alongside the legendary
Where is the
infringement occurring? An important case on jurisdiction and online
I covered the IPEC’s decision on this in Volume I. HHJ Hacon ruled that Neve could not run an infringement case in the UK
based on an EUTM, but could relying upon its UKTM. The distinction came down to
the different jurisdiction tests for UK trade mark infringement (under the
Brussels I Regulation) and EU trade mark infringement (under the EUTM
Regulation), notwithstanding the judge’s view that the defendant’s website was
arguably targeting UK consumers. The Court of Appeal took a look at the issues
and thought them sufficiently complex to refer them to the CJEU. Lord Justice
Kitchin ran through jurisprudence including the CJEU’s decisions in Pammer (2010), L'Oréal v eBay (2011), and Nintendo (September 2017) along
with the German Supreme Court’s Parfummarken
(November 2017). Parfummarken
applied Nintendo but Kitchin LJ
respectfully expressed doubt that it did so correctly, pointing to the
potential for acts of infringement online to escape liability by falling
between the cracks of two potential jurisdictions. Let’s see what the CJEU has
to say.
The Red Sole 2:
Szpunar’s back
I debated whether or not to include this –
Advocate General opinions aren’t the final word, and the CJEU does not always
follow them. But I’ve included Kit Kat at the top, and this is undoubtedly one
of most talked about cases in the past six months. It is also very well covered
by Eleonora here, meaning I need only give the briefest summary. The case is notable not just
because it concerns the very unusual “red sole” trade mark (is it a colour? Is
it a shape? It is a coloured shape?) but, because having given one opinion, AG
Szpunar was asked to give a second when the case was moved to the CJEU’s Grand
Chamber, for a final decision to be given by a massive 13 judges (I meant
that’s a lot of judges, I’m not suggesting that they’ve all eaten too many Kit
Kats). In his first opinion, the AG opined the mark was not a colour. In his
second, he said he was “even less inclined” to classify it as a colour. In his
view, it is a “sign consisting of the shape of the goods and seeking protection
for a colour in relation to that shape”. This, if followed by the 13 judges,
may kill Louboutin’s mark because under the old law it would put the mark under
the spotlight of the prohibition of marks which are shapes which give
substantial value to the goods. The Dutch court has already indicated that it
thinks the mark is such, if the shape prohibition is found to be engaged. Christian
Louboutin subsequently issued a press release claiming the opinion came out in their favour. It’s not over until the
massive judges sing.
Colour combination mark
shot down in Red Bull blue/grey battle
Two colours (see image) in a ratio of
“approximately 50% - 50%” or those two colours “applied in equal proportion and
juxtaposed to each other” are not capable of registration as trade marks, says
the EU General Court. Red Bull’s registrations, already deemed to have acquired
distinctiveness by the EUIPO, did not disclose a “systematic arrangement
associating the colours in a predetermined and uniform way”. You can read more here, but this is either a policy decision against allowing traders too broad
colour-based monopolies, or a failure on Red Bull’s part to come up with quite
the right form of words to define what it is they should have a monopoly in.
File for colour combinations with caution! (Another interesting two-colour
combination case is Giro Travel Company v
Andreas Stihl [2018] Case R200/2017-2 (Second Board of Appeal, January 2018 – orange and
grey for chainsaws)).
The London black cab has
not acquired distinctiveness, south or north of the river
It hasn’t been a great time for
non-traditional trade marks of late. In this case, LTC, the company behind the (arguably
iconic) London taxi tried to assert 3D trade mark registrations for the shape
of the London black cab against a potential rival. Having failed at first
instance, it fared (no pun intended) no better on appeal. The shapes were not
inherently distinctive, and the Court of Appeal was just not convinced by the
evidence of acquired distinctiveness. “…one must remember”, explained Floyd J, “as
always in the case of a shape mark, that the public are not used to the shape
of a product being used as an indication of origin…” thereby highlighting the
uphill battle that those seeking to obtain (and enforce) shape protection will
always be fighting. LTC had not done enough to educate the consumer that the
shape of the taxis denoted trade origin.
There are some points on the identity of the
relevant consumer (it could be the hirer of a taxi, not just the taxi driver,
but no concluded view was reached) and the “substantial value” bar to
registration, if you’d like to read more. The IPKat’s longer take is here.
Seretide-turning on
surveys in purple passing-off case?
GSK and Sandoz are fighting over the use of a
purple colour to market certain inhalers (GSK’s is called Seretide, inspiring
this volume’s worst pun). GSK’s colour EU trade mark registration did not fare
well in the Court of Appeal in May last year, but its passing-off claim is still going. In November Mr Justice Birss
was asked to grant permission for GSK to adduce survey evidence in that claim. He
did, notwithstanding that survey evidence has been treated with some
significant scepticism by UK judges ever since the Interflora case. The decision may
well turn on its facts, not least because the evidence (two surveys) had
already been obtained and deployed in related opposition proceedings, so the
question (amongst others) was whether it could be used in the High Court as
well. Nevertheless, the survey evidence was allowed in and in his judgment
Birss J talks us through the reasons why.
A few interesting things to mention about this
case (1) although the survey evidence is in, it could still be given limited
weight at trial; (2) the overall costs of this case were put at an eye-watering
£6 million. The survey evidence was likely to cost 10% of that but because of
the huge overall cost this was considered justified; (3) there are related
opposition proceedings re GSK’s application for a UKTM colour mark stayed pending the outcome of this case; and (4)
Birss J gave a thumbs up to the possible use of “hot tubbing” of experts in
this case – “I must say I also believe that serious thought should be given to
conducting a concurrent evidence session ("hot tub") with some or all of the survey experts”.
10. Birmingham v Worcester in local pizza passing-off
A battle of two pizza businesses. The Claimant
started up in Birmingham in 1991 as CASPIAN and obtained two UKTMs, one in 2005
and another in 2010. The Defendant traded in Worcester as CASPIAN from 2002.
Birmingham and Worcester are English cities about 30 miles apart. C sued D and
lost at first instance. Amongst other defences, D sought to rely upon the
defence under section 11(3) of the Trade Marks Act 1994, namely that “A registered trade mark is not infringed by
the use in the course of trade in a particular locality of an earlier right
which applies only in that locality”, with “earlier right” here essentially
meaning goodwill protectable by passing-off. To do that, D would have to
establish that, despite C operating in Birmingham since 1991, D had a defence
in Worcester because of activities which started in 2002. D did succeed, both
at first instance and at the Court of Appeal. It followed also that C’s UK
registrations were invalid. As D had goodwill in Worcester (part of the UK) from
2002, D was in position to prevent registration by C in 2005 and 2010 for the
whole of the UK. So C lost its marks too, and presumably will not in future be
able to protect its name by way of registered UK rights without the cooperation
of D. As well as sending shockwaves through the local pizza communities of
England, the Court of Appeal also chose to upset the conflicting authority of
HHJ Birss (as he then was) in Redd Solicitors LLP v Red Legal Ltd, which had hitherto
drawn a distinction between the 11(3) defence and trade mark validity, a
distinction which was followed neither by the first instance judge nor the
Court of Appeal this time around. More from the Law Gazette (why not?) here.
Where are they now?
A couple of updates for you.
The Glee case was due at the UK
Supreme Court on 2 November, but settled shortly before. Series marks live to
fight another day.
Cartier was heard by that same
court at the end of January. Judgment on the future of blocking injunctions is
Cartier should well be around by the time we
get to Volume IV. There are judgments to come on a bunch of the above 10 cases
too: Kit Kat, SkyKick, AMS Neve and Louboutin at least – but decisions on those
inside the next six months is probably quite optimistic.
I sign off with a thank you to my colleagues
Jon Sharples and Sian Banks for helping me keep track of all of these cases and
more. We’ll be back – enjoy the summer!”
Retromark Volume III: the last six months in trade marks
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Tuesday, May 08, 2018

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