The Pirate Bay blocked in Sweden? Yes, this is
indeed what the Swedish Patent and Market Court of Appeal has ordered a major
Swedish access provider to do in a recent decision.
Katfriend Nedim
Malovic (Sandart & Partners) explains how things went.
Here’s what Nedim writes:
a 2016 judgment [commented on IPKat
here] the Stockholm District Court (Patent- och Marknadsdomstolen) rejected
an application to issue an injunction against a major Swedish internet access
provider, Bredbandsbolaget (B2), to block access to torrent site The
Pirate Bay and streaming portal Swefilmer.
The rightholders in this case (including, amongst others, Universal
Music, Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Music, and Nordisk Film) had brought a
joint action in which they claimed that B2 - by supplying internet connection
to its own customers (thus enabling access to The Pirate Bay and Swefilmer) -
was aiding and abetting (objectively) infringements of their copyrights.
The Stockholm District Court dismissed the claimants’ action and
rejected the request to order B2 to block access to those sites. This was on grounds
that it was not possible to determine whether B2 has knowledge of third-party infringements. The first instance court also rejected the claimants’
submission that Swedish law is incompatible with EU law for not allowing
blocking injunctions, and ruled out that the decision by the Court of
Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Telekabel [also discussed here] could have any relevance to the present case.
The appeal judgment: in brief
In what can be considered a landmark ruling, on 13 February 2017 the Swedish
Patent and Market Court of Appeal (Patent- och Marknadsöverdomstolen) reversed
the first instance decision, and ordered B2 to pay SEK 500,000 [approx EUR 53,000]
to the rightholders and block access to The Pirate Bay and Swefilmer for the next three years. The
decision cannot be appealed and is therefore final.
The court noted that it is indeed possible under EU law for
rightsholders to obtain an injunction [pursuant to Article 8(3) of the InfoSoc Directive] against an
intermediary whose services are used to commit a copyright infringement, even
if the ISP only provides its customers with internet access.
This also means that there is no need for a contractual requirement, or any
other relationship, between the intermediary and the third-party infringer [recently, the CJEU
has confirmed this in Mc Fadden, here,
and – in the broader context of Article 11 of the Enforcement Directive – Tommy Hilfiger, here].
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Will pirates have a harder time now? |
The court then considered whether it was proportionate to issue the
injunction in the case at hand. In this
regard, it highlighted the importance of striking an appropriate between the fundamental
rights to (i) copyright protection; (i) receive/impart information; and (ii) to
conduct one’s own business. Because the
services of the intermediary were used to make works available without
the rightholders’ consent it was considered to be proportionate to issue an injunction.
The reasoning of the Court of Appeal
More specifically, the Court began its analysis by discussing relevant
provisions and CJEU case law on Article 8(3) of the InfoSoc Directive (“Member States shall ensure that rightholders
are in a position to apply for an injunction against intermediaries whose
services are used by a third party to infringe a copyright or related right.”)
CJEU decision in Telekabel clarified that “an intermediary that provides
access to content which third parties’ made available through its services on
the internet is an intermediary whose services are used by a third party to
infringe copyright or related rights within the meaning of Article 8(3) of the
InfoSoc Directive”.
that case the CJEU also clarified that Article 8(3) of the InfoSoc Directive
does not set out a requirement for there to be a special circumstance, such as
a contractual relationship between the intermediary and the third party, or
that it must be shown that third parties are taking part in unlawful activity
using the services of the intermediary.
the CJEU in Tommy Hilfigher held that there is an obligation for Member States to ensure that
intermediaries whose services are used by third parties to infringe
IPRs, irrespective of the intermediaries’ own potential
responsibility for the activity at issue, may be forced to take measures to the
ensure that the infringements stop and also take measures to prevent new
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Celebratory fika time for Swedish rightholders |
…. What about the safe harbour provisions?
12-14 in the E-commerce Directive set out
exemptions from liability (safe harbours) in favour of mere conduit, caching
and hosting providers. Article 12(3) provides however that the safe
harbour should not affect the possibility for a court or administrative
authority, in accordance with the Member States legal systems, to require a
certain provider to terminate or prevent an infringement.
reading has been recently confirmed by the CJEU in Mc Fadden (para 79).
Hence EU law…
intends to provider rightsholders with a high level of protection, also by
enabling national courts to issue injunctions against intermediaries whose
services are used by third parties to commit infringements. In this regard the court
emphasized that Recital 59 in the preamble to the InfoSoc Directive provides
that “[t]he conditions and modalities relating to injunctions should be left to
the national law of the Member States”.
Court thus turned to Article
53 b (first sentence thereof) of the Swedish Copyright Act. This provisions
states that “[u]pon a petition by
the author or his or her successor in title or by a party that, on the basis of
a license, has the right to exploit the work, [a] Court may issue an injunction
prohibiting, on penalty of a fine, a party that commits, or contributes to, an
act constituting an infringement or a violation referred to in Article 53 to
continue that act.”
The Marleasing
principle and the Swedish Copyright Act
implementing the InfoSoc Directive into the Swedish legal system, the Swedish Government
decided not to use the same language of Article 8(3), but rather phrase Article 53 b in the sense of
allowing an injunction to be granted against those who commit copyright
infringements and those who aid and abet such infringements. However, as opposed to what the first instance court thought, this national
provision must be interpreted in light of EU law (Marleasing principle) and there is no
requirement for the claimant to demonstrate that the defendant did so through
action or other active conduct. The court said that this conclusion was
confirmed by both the preparatory works to Article 53 b and the InfoSoc
In conclusion the court
found that Article 8(3) of the
InfoSoc Directive requires that an internet intermediary such as an access
provider may be subject to an order to block access to The Pirate Bay and
Swefilmer. The requirement of proving a certain relationship between the intermediary
and the infringing third party should be considered incorrect/obsolete. The
court also ruled out that rightholders would need to prove that the intermediary’s
customers have accessed the works (a condition stated instead by the first
instance court).
The injunction enters into force on 28 February and will be in place for three years. The decision may not be appealed since the Patent and Market Appeal Court is in principle the last instance court in IP cases."
The injunction enters into force on 28 February and will be in place for three years. The decision may not be appealed since the Patent and Market Appeal Court is in principle the last instance court in IP cases."
Swedish Patent and Market Court of Appeal orders block of The Pirate Bay and Swefilmer
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Friday, February 24, 2017

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