The missed implementation
of Article 11 of the Enforcement Directive
UK Government, in fact,
implemented Article 8(3) of the InfoSoc Directive into UK law by inserting s97A into the CDPA, and UK courts have ever
since developed a consistent and thoughtful jurisprudence on the application of
this domestic provision.
However, no express
implementation of the third sentence in Article 11 of the Enforcement Directive has been provided in
the UK. UK Government justified
its decision not to take any action to implement this more
general rule by referring to s37(1) SCA.
The result has been that,
until the 2014 decision of the High Court of England and Wales in Cartier it
was uncertain whether rightholders could seek injunctions against
intermediaries to block access to websites where content infringing IP rights
other than copyright (more specifically: trade marks) is accessible.
The High Court decision
Arnold J provided an
interpretation of s37(1) SCA both in a domestic context and in light of the
third sentence of Article 11 in the Enforcement Directive, and concluded that
in principle the High Court of England and Wales would have jurisdiction to
grant the order requested by the applicants, ie to order major UK access
provider to block access to websites selling counterfeits.
The judge added that in any
case the court’s discretion under s37(1) SCA to grant website blocking orders
is not unlimited, but must be exercised consistently with the terms of the
Enforcement Directive, including Articles 3 and 11, and with the terms of the E-commerce Directive, including Articles 12 to
In line with his earlier
judgment in Newzbin 2 [here, ie the first copyright blocking injunction
granted in the UK], Arnold J also took
the view that "the rightholders should pay the costs of an unopposed application
... [and] the ISPs should generally bear the costs of implementation as part of
the costs of carrying on business in this sector". However the judge did
"not rule out the possibility of ordering the rightholder to pay some or
all of the implementation costs in an appropriate case." [para 240]
The Court of Appeal
decision ... and the issue of costs
The "entirely
correct" [para 35] decision of Arnold J was confirmed in appeal.
Kitchin LJ (delivering the
judgment of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales) recognized that "the
ISPs are not guilty of any wrongdoing”, nor owe a common law duty of care to
take reasonable care to ensure that their services are not used by the
operators of the offending websites [para
54].This said, however,
Kitchin LJ observed that the operators of the infringing websites need the
services of the ISPs in order to offer for sale and sell their counterfeit
goods to UK consumers. It follows that "the ISPs are therefore inevitable
and essential actors in those infringing activities."[para 56]
Kitchin LJ also dismissed
the ISPs' point that Arnold J allegedly failed to carry out a fair evaluation
of the relative merits of alternative measures to blocking, and confirmed that
that Arnold J "was entitled to require the ISPs to bear the costs of the implementation
of the orders in issue." [para
150] He also approved of Arnold
J's proper consideration of the economic impact of website blocking orders upon
the businesses of the ISPs, and that these could either bear these costs
themselves or pass them on to their subscribers in the form of higher
subscription charges.
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Briggs LJ |
The Court of Appeal
judgment contains however the dissent of Briggs LJ on the issue of costs. In
particular, “the cost burden attributable to the implementation of a particular
blocking order should fall upon the rightholder making the application for it. [para 198]
According to Briggs LJ, the
reason is a domestic one. It is true that both the Enforcement Directive and
the InfoSoc directives provide that rightholders should have the possibility of
applying for an injunction against an intermediary who either carries a third
party's infringement of a protected work in a network (in copyright cases) or
whose services are being used by a third party to infringe the rightholder's
industrial property right (in relation to trade marks). In both cases the
conditions and modalities relating to such injunctions, or the conditions and
procedures relating to such injunctions should be left to the national law of
the Member States.
In the UK, however, courts
have jurisdiction as per s37(1) SCA, and this in substance reflects an
originally unfettered jurisdiction exercised by the Court of Chancery on
equitable principles. In the case of orders against innocent third parties, the
law has evolved so to ensure that a standard condition or 'modality' for the
grant of an injunction is that the cost reasonably incurred by the innocent
respondent should be reimbursed by the applicant.
reason why the courts of England and Wales have jurisdiction to make blocking
orders of the relevant type is that they are indeed a natural development of
the court's enforcement of the equitable duty to assist so that, in the context
of trade marks, the government was right to conclude that no specific
legislation for that purpose was required … [T]he courts could and probably
would have developed this jurisdiction regardless of the requirement in the two
Directives that it be made available as specified. It was a jurisdiction with
existing well-recognised conditions or modalities, one of which was that the
victim indemnify the innocent party for its cost of complying with the court's
order.” [para 202]
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Who pays? |
The next round: the Supreme
Via a precious Katfriend
comes the news that last week the UK Supreme Court granted BT & EE’s application for
permission to appeal the Court of Appeal decision in part.
BT & EE have been granted permission to
appeal the following ground:
That the
Court was wrong to hold that the Appellants as innocent parties, should be
required to bear the costs of the blocking injunctions. To the contrary,
as innocent parties who are discharging an equitable duty to assist, the
Appellants should be indemnified against all costs, expenses and
BT & EE have not be granted
permission to appeal the following ground, because the ground was simply “not
That the
Court adopted the wrong threshold conditions for the grant of injunctive relief
against an innocent third party, and in particular was wrong to conclude:
(a) that a blocking injunction could be granted
based on a mere possibility of future access to a target website, and in the
absence of proof that a real and substantial number of infringements is
occurring in the UK by means of the Appellants’ services; and
(b) that the orders were “necessary” in
circumstances where the Respondents had not taken reasonable steps (or any
steps) to pursue the primary wrongdoers.
It will
be very interesting to see what the Supreme Court says now.
As mentioned, according
to Briggs LJ the reason why intermediaries should not bear the costs of
implementing a blocking order is essentially a domestic one. In addition, as
I argued more at length here [see also here], in my view also the EU framework does not
provide uncontroversial guidance on the point of costs.
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An unusually confused Bertie: is there an EU rule on costs of injunctions? |
The EU law framework is in
fact fundamentally silent regarding who should bear the costs of injunctions
against intermediaries. Even the ambiguous wording of Article 14 of the
Enforcement Directive ("Member States shall ensure that reasonable and
proportionate legal costs and other expenses incurred by the successful party
shall, as a general rule, be borne by the unsuccessful party, unless equity
does not allow this.") does not seem to relate directly to injunctions.
Substantially the issue of injunction costs appears to be an area of the law
that has been left unharmonized at the EU level. This is possibly also because,
as Recital 59 of the InfoSoc Directive eloquently puts, "[t]he conditions
and modalities relating to such injunctions should be left to the national law
of the Member States."
Although the majority of
national legal systems envisages that intermediaries are responsible for
bearing the costs of an injunction against them for third-party infringements,
Member States are ultimately free to choose the solution they prefer. As such,
any discussion as to whether the solution indicated by Arnold J and
subsequently followed in other cases is the one to prefer is a legitimate
This is particular the case
after the recent decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)
in Mc Fadden [here].
In his Opinion on 16 March 2016 [here] Advocate
General (AG) Szpunar held the view that an intermediary cannot be held liable
for an IP infringement committed by a user of its services and, as a result,
cannot be asked to bear pre-litigation and court costs. Holding otherwise
"could potentially have the same punitive effect as an order to pay
damages and could in the same way hinder the development of the intermediary
services in question."[para 77] The AG further noted that injunctions may be imposed on
innocent intermediaries to repress third-party infringements. However, the safe
harbour regime (within Article 12 of the E-commerce Directive in that specific
case) "precludes the making of orders against intermediary service
providers not only for the payment of damages, but also for the payment of the
costs of giving formal notice or other costs relating to copyright
infringements committed by third parties as a result of the information
transmitted." [para 80, emphasis added] The phrase ‘other costs’
might encompass the costs of implementing an injunction, including a blocking
injunction. The statement of the AG in this part of the Opinion, in fact, does
not appear to distinguish between costs arisen before an injunction is
granted and costs arisen after an injunction is granted, eg costs of
The CJEU decision in Mc
Fadden is more nuanced and targeted on this point than the AG Opinion,
although it appears to depart substantially from it. Holding that the safe
harbour protection does not preclude one from seeking an injunction against an
intermediary whose services are used to infringe his IP rights, the CJEU stated
that the relevant rightholder can seek reimbursement from the intermediary at
which the relevant injunction is addressed “of the costs of giving formal
notice and court costs” [para
79] Arguably this part of
the Mc Fadden judgment closes the door to the idea that
intermediaries should not bear any costs, and also raises the question whether
rightholders should even bear the application costs of an injunction.
In this sense, the CJEU
decision may be at odds with relevant EU law provisions and earlier CJEU case
law from which UK judges had drawn authority to hold that the application costs
should be borne by rightholders.
In all this, the UK Supreme
Court's judgment is keenly awaited: stay tuned!
The next round of Cartier: UK Supreme Court will hear appeal re costs of intermediary injunctions
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Saturday, February 04, 2017

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