While INTA has a Brussels office and thousands of members in Europe, this will mark its first meeting in the Iberian Peninsula. The Fira Gran Via Conference Centre will serve as the center of meeting activity, including the Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception, committee meetings, Table Topics, business meetings, educational sessions, the Trademark Scholarship Symposium and workshops, including a ‘Patents for Trademark Lawyers’ session, a new patent professionals networking reception, and numerous exhibitors. This year will mark the inaugural Lunch and Learn sessions covering innovative topics including issues beyond intellectual property. The Grand Finale will be held at Barceloneta Beach. As always, network opportunities will abound.
The Annual Meeting provides additional educational and outreach opportunities focused on certain audiences, including the popular International Course on Trademarks. For brand owners and government, officials, there will be an exclusive Anticounterfeiting workshop titled, "Strategy + Collaboration: The Key to Success against the Crime of Counterfeiting." There will also be open sessions with IP office officials from around the world.
INTA has negotiated special travel rates to Spain for attendees using the Star Alliance Network. Each registered attendee will receive complimentary public transportation passes to use throughout Barcelona, including all travel to the central conference hub, the Fira Gran Via Conference Centre. If one plans to arrive in Barcelona early, on Friday, May 19th, between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. there will be an INTA’s customs training session, exclusively for corporate members, who will conduct brand identification trainings with local Spanish authorities in small, interactive groups.
As noted above, the Early Bird registration will not be extended beyond the deadline of Friday, March 3. For more information, visit www.inta.org/2017AM
INTA comes to Barcelona in May for its Annual Meeting (early bird registration, but not for long)
Reviewed by Neil Wilkof
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

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