Here’s what Natalie writes:
“BIG UP!” This
popular Jamaican expression used to congratulate someone for achieving success,
is an appropriate toast to reggae fans all over the world. At long last,
reggae, a musical genre which originated in Jamaica, has been added to the
United Nation’s list of International Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
list. The protected list was created in 2008 and came about as a result of the
2003 UN convention for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Its aims are
to ensure respect for communities, groups and individuals involved in the
listed activity, to raise awareness and encourage appreciation of those activities
nationally and internationally.
Led by Jamaica's
Minister of Culture and Entertainment, Olivia "Babsy" Grange, the
Jamaican delegation that attended the UN meeting to confirm the inscription of
reggae to the list, were the embodiment of the classic reggae song “Reggae
Ambassadors” performed by the legendary reggae band, Third World. For those
Kats who are less familiar with the lion sound of reggae, you can listen to it here.
Note also the concise summary of reggae’s rise to international significance
highlighted by the BBC in its feature story “Reggae has been added to a list of
international cultural treasures which the United Nations has deemed worthy of
protecting and promoting”, 29, November 2018, accessible here.
So what does
this mean for the owners of trade marks like this?
First things first. Is there a
proprietary interest in reggae? If so, who owns it? If no one owns it, can
objections be justifiably raised to its privatization through trade mark
The second difficulty is
perhaps more of an ethical kind: to the extent that reggae is also synonymous
with the Rastafarian religion, Jamaica being the place where both originated,
should signs considered disparaging of reggae and Rasta be refused trade mark
registration? That is, can the UN’s aim to raise awareness and encourage
appreciation of the contribution of reggae to world cultural heritage, have any
substantive effect, if a sign that is disrespectful of the Rastafarian community
or Jamaican musicians involved in the reggae music industry, is entered on the
trade mark register? At least in Jamaica, this has not been left to guess work.
The Jamaica Intellectual Property Office which has national responsibility for
the registration of trade marks has implemented special rules to pre-empt this by
issuing a Practice Notice Re: Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural
Expressions based on section 11(4) of the Trade Marks Act 1999, accessible here.
So a sign like the one below
would unlikely meet muster for registration in Jamaica.
This brings us to the third
hurdle, which is no doubt, the highest to jump: reciprocity. The deference
shown to protecting reggae in Jamaica is unlikely to be mirrored worldwide. The
intricacies of this challenge can be seen playing out at WIPO’s Standing
Committee on Trade Marks, Geographic Names and Domain names (SCT) and the
ongoing discussions concerning international IP protection of country names. [See
my commentary on this issue here].
Despite Jamaica’s proactive
approach to protecting reggae at home and abroad and its vibrant advocacy at
the SCT in support of heightened IP protection of country names, there is no
universal consensus that a good which inures to the benefit of the international
community should, or should not, be free for use by all. Arguably, the
recognition by the UN of reggae music as a world cultural gem is an admission
on the part of its progenitors that reggae is Jamaica’s gift to the world.
Nevertheless, no one can take
issue with sending out a “BIG UP!” to the international king of reggae,
Jamaica’s reggae icon, the Honourable Robert “Bob” Nesta Marley. Marley’s heirs
have figured out the maverick of how to leverage his timeless reggae legacy in
this collaboration with Ben & Jerry. Though it might ire the wrath of those
reggae fans who may fail to see the connection between ice cream and the
music’s "contribution to international discourse on issues of injustice,
resistance, love and humanity underscores the dynamics of the element as being
at once cerebral, socio-political, sensual and spiritual" as UNESCO
pointed out, it is some comfort to know that the proceeds of ice-cream sales
are destined to aid a charitable cause.
Other cultural traditions which
made the list include a Mongolian camel-coaxing ritual, dry stone walling in European
countries such as France, Greece and Italy, and Egyptian puppetry.
Protecting reggae – Cultural heritage needs IP
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Monday, December 03, 2018

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