The IPKat has a delectable feast of KatFood for your autumn social calendar.
Fashion Law London - The Autumn/Winter Review
Readers might remember a few months ago PermaKat Eleonora Rosati organized a 1-day fashion law course with former GuestKat Rosie Burbidge (partner at gunnercooke and author of European Fashion Law) and Giuliana Gasparin (Senior Legal Counsel at River Island). It was a great success, and a new course will be held next month. Participants will receive and discuss updates, latest trends and developments in this area of the law, as well as engage with experts in luxury and fashion law and industry disruptors.
Time: Friday, October 18th, 2019, 8:30AM - 5pm (networking drinks begin)
Venue: Oxford and Cambridge Club 71-77 Pall Mall London SW1Y 5HD United Kingdom
Please book through EventBrite. IPKat reader will receive discounted tickets.
Evening with UNION-IP
Mr António Campinos, President of the European Patent Office, will be making his first official address to a UK audience on Thursday, 12 September 2019 at the biennial UNION-IP summer drinks reception.
Venue: The Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AG
Time: Welcome drinks from 6pm, further drinks and canapés after the talk. Event concludes at 9pm. Please book through EventBrite.
The 2019 TMAP (Trademark Administrators and Practitioners) Meeting
Trademark administrators, practitioners, and brand owners from around the world who manage global trademark portfolios will gather for the International Trademark Association’s Trademark Administrators and Practitioners (TMAP) Meeting in Berlin, Germany—the first time that the Association is holding the education and networking event in this city.
Dates: September 15-17, 2019
Venue: Maritim Hotel Berlin, Stauffenbergstraße 26, 10785, Berlin, Germany
Please book directly with INTA.
Talk with Professor Mark Davidson - Plain Packaging: Where is it at and what are the implications for other products?
The appeal against Australia’s plain packaging laws in the WTO is still in progress but many aspects of the Panel decision have not been the subject of appeal. In light of the Panel decision, the nature of the appeal and other, now finalised litigation concerning plain packaging for tobacco, a number of important aspects of the law relating to packaging regulation of any product can already be identified. This seminar will provide some insight into the current status of the long running litigation concerning plain packaging and commentary on the possible implications of WTO law and international investment law for both tobacco and other goods and services.
Time: 5-7PM, Thursday, September 26th, 2019.
Venue: College Building City, University of London St John Street London EC1V 4PB United Kingdom
Digital Single Market: New Challenges for European Copyright, Innovation and Creativity
This Executive Training Course focuses on the Digital Single Market and its new challenges for European copyright, innovation and creativity. It will analyse the New Directive Copyright in the Digital Single Market and the challenges brought by innovation in creation by Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Dates: October 3rd - 4th, 2019
Venue: European University Institute, Florence
Deadline to apply: 23 September 2019.
Find out more here.
63rd Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference
The Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference provides an exceptional opportunity to meet with newsmakers and influencers, to learn and discuss the most exciting and important developments in the field, and to be empowered to help create better laws and policies that promote innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship. A mainstay in IP CLE programming, the conference is known for its highly interactive format. Its four plenary sessions and nine breakout sessions cover patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, antitrust, and in-house counsel, as well as IT and privacy developments.
Date: Friday, November 1st, 2019
Venue: UIC John Marshall Law School, Chicago, USA
Please book through EventBrite. The first 20 IPKat readers will receive a 20% discount; please use the discount code jmlsipkat2019.
Tuesday Thingies
Reviewed by Luna Lovegood
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

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