This Kat
has reviewed the The "Research
Handbook on Patent Law Theory", second edition Edward Elgar Publishing, edited
by Toshiko Takenaka offers a comparative
approach by which salient issues of patent law are discussed from
the principal vantage of three major jurisdictions, the United States,
Europe and Japan. In addition, the book
includes an amalgam of chapters, some of which t are concerned with the theoretical
and historical foundations of patent law, a while others consider specific
challenges faced by patent law practitioners.
What will you find in the book?
The book is
structured in five parts, each covering a separate area of modern patent law.
The first part of the book (three chapters) concerns the foundation of the
patent system, the first on the "History
of Patent Law", the second on the the "International Treaties and Patent
Law Harmonization", and the third on "Patents and Policies for Innovations
and Entrepreneurship".
Part II of the book is dedicated to current
issues concerning the patent examination procedure. The first chapter of this
part concerns the trilateral cooperation between EPO, USPTO and JPO, and how
this has influenced the development and (hopefully) also the harmonization of their respective examination
procedures the.
Other aspects analyzed in this part of the
book are the examination of patenting software-related inventions in Europe, as
well as challenges in the examination of
medical inventions. Finally, this part
of the book discusses the impact of the ruling in Regents of the University of
California v Eli Lilly & Co and how this case has influenced the application of
the written description requirement in the US.
Part III of
the book concerns patent enforcement and has a special focus on US and
Germany. The first chapter presents the
challenges with claim construction and the balance between claims and
disclosure in the US and Germany, while
the second chapter discusses issues of patent enforcement in Germany with a
particularly interesting analysis of procedural issues.
The authors provide and analyze the legal
grounds and criteria in calculating
patent damages in the US and Japan. Furthermore, challenges concerning the
international litigation of patent disputes (and the need for some form of
extra-territorial solution) are discussed.The last chapter of this part continues
in a similar vein in addressing specialized IP courts, with special focus on
the Unified Patent Court.
Part IV, the
final part of the book, bears the title “Current Issues”, and addresses, as the
title suggests, such central current issues as pharmaceutical patents, patent litigation
reform in the US, the interface between design patent and utility patent, and
controversies concerning patent rights and public health at an
international level.
The book includes yet a further part (Part V)
which includes only one chapter dedicated to a comparative study of the
examination of the inventive step criteria.
Who should read it?
As both the
profile of the authors and table of contents of the book suggests, its contents contain valuable contents for both practitioners and academics. Thus, on the one hand, it offers hands-on
answers to such questions as examination of patentability
criteria, claim drafting and claim interpretation, while at the same time offering
insightful historical and theoretical overviews of the patent system and possible future developments.
Potential weaknesses?
potential comment that comes with the choice of the approach taken by the book
(a mixture of practical and theoretical questions) is that it will most
probably be used as an anthology, where the reader chooses and picks certain
chapters of interest, depending on the profile and perspective.
In total
An exciting
read, containing perspectives that are must read for the patent-interested
lawyer or academic of today.
Edward Elgar
Publishing, ISBN: 978 1 78536 411 2 , 512 pp., Publication Date 2019, Hardback
Book Review; Research Handbook on Patent Law and Theory
Reviewed by Frantzeska Papadopoulou
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

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