This Kat was struck down by another round of covid over the festive season and was unable to remind readers about voting for your favourite IP books of 2022. So, to make sure everyone has the chance - voting is now extended for another 10 days!!
The IPKat team continue to diligently read and review as many brilliant IP books as possible, of which there are many, for the Kat community. But there can be only one winner (per category) of this prestigious prize, so vote wisely. As always, readers can vote for books in five categories: Patents, Copyright (includes Performer's Rights), Trade Mark (includes Geographical Indications), Design and Intellectual Property (any book that covers more than one type of IP).
This annual occasion, now in its fifth year, allows the IPKat community to celebrate and congratulate those who have contributed to the IP literature. You can check out the previous nominees and winners here.
Vote for your favourite IP book of 2022 by taking the survey here
And PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF IP, only complete the survey once! Although it may be tempting to submit 94 votes for your (own) favourite book, this will be a fruitless endeavour as we will only count your vote once from our side. Thank you for playing nicely.
Only votes for books published in 2022 will count.
Please provide your name and then the editor/author's name and title of the book in your votes.
Voting will now close on Friday 13th January 2023,
winners will be announced thereafter.
Good luck!
![IPKat book of the year awards - voting extended!](
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