If you’re interested in copyright issues - including from a comparative (U.S. and European) perspective - and are going to be in New York City on 1 February, then come along to Fordham Law School (150 W 62nd St) to participate in an evening of discussions kicking off at 18:00!
Chaired by Hugh Hansen (Director of the Emily C. & John E. Hansen IP Institute at Fordham Law School), the panel features (in alphabetical order):
- Robert Arcamona, Director and Associate General Counsel, IP (Meta)
- Jane C Ginsburg, Morton L. Janklow Professor of Literary and Artistic Property Law (Columbia Law School)
- Daryl Lim, H. Laddie Montague Jr. Chair in Law (Penn State Dickinson Law)
- William F. Patry, Partner (Mayer Brown)
- Eleonora Rosati, Professor of Intellectual Property Law (Stockholm University) and Of Counsel (Bird & Bird)
For further details and to register, just click here. See you soon in NYC!
Copyright-focused event at Fordham Law School, New York City on 1 February
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

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