Thank you to readers who voted for the IPKat book of the year awards 2023! Despite the change in application process, this year was our most popular awards since its inception six years ago. Here are the nominees and winners:
Best Patent Law Book
The nominations, in no particular order, were:
• Der patentrechtliche Schutz von Daten und seine Grenzen; Landscheidt, by Fabian Landscheidt.
• Patent Portfolio Management, A Practical Guide, by Ho Frattasi.
• European Patent Law: The Unified Patent Court and The European Patent Convention, by Paul Torremans and Duncan Matthews.
• The Proportionality Test in European Patent Law, by Léon Dijkman.
• A Practitioner's Guide to the Unified Patent Court and Unitary Patent, by Paul England.
• The Unitary Patent Package and Unified Patent Court. Problems, Possible Improvements and Alternatives, by Luc Desaunettes-Barbero.
• A Practical Guide to Drafting Patents, by Gwilym Roberts.
• Study Guide to the Patents Acts (14th edition), by Doug Ealey.
• Regulation, Innovation and Competition in Pharmaceutical Markets, by Margherita Colangelo.
And the winner is:Best Copyright Law Book
The nominations were:
• Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union (2nd edition), by Eleonora Rosati.
• A New Framework for Intermediary Liability: Copyright, Causation and Control on the Internet, by Kylie Pappalardo.
• Copyright: Music Borrowing and Copyright Law, by Enrico Bonadio and Chen Zhu.
• 25 Things You Should Know About Artificial Intelligence, Art and Copyright, by Pablo Fernández Carballo-Calero.
• Copyright and Cartography, by Isabella Alexander.
The winner is:
Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union
(2nd edition, Oxford University Press)
by Eleonora Rosati
Best book on Trade Mark Law
The nominations were:
• Contentious Trade Mark Registry Proceedings (2nd edition), by Michael Edenborough.
• Intellectual Property Protection of Country Names, by Natalie Corthésy.
• Founding a Global Human Rights Culture for Trade Marks, by Genevieve Wilkinson.
• Trademark Dilution and Free Riding, by Daniel Bereskin.
• EU Trade Mark Law and Product Protection: A Comparative Analysis of Trade Mark Functionality, by Lavinia Brancusi.
• Intellectual Property and Development: Geographical Indications in Practice, by Barbara Pick.
• Commercialising Celebrity Persona, by Emma Perot.
Best Book on Design Law
The nominations were:
• Australian Design Law and Practice, by Tyrone Berger.
• Concise European Design Law, by Verena von Bomhard and Alexander von Mühlendahl.
• History of Design and Design Law: An International and Interdisciplinary Perspective, by Tsukasa Aso, Christoph Rademacher and Jonathan Dobinson.
• Intellectual Property and the Design of Nature, by Jose Bellido and Brad Sherman.
• Artificial Intelligence, Design Law and Fashion, by Hasan Kadir Yılmaztekin.
And the winner is:Intellectual Property Law Book of the Year
The nominations were:
• Developments and Directions in Intellectual Property Law: 20 Years of The IPKat, by Hayleigh Bosher and Eleonora Rosati.
• The Cambridge Handbook of Investment-Driven Intellectual Property, by Enrico Bonadio and Patrick Goold.
• Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Moral Rights, by Ysolde Gendreau.
• Intellectual Property Management for Start-ups, by Martin Bader and Sevim Süzeroğlu-Melchiors.
• Research Handbook on Empirical Studies in Intellectual Property Law, by Estelle Derclaye.
• Overlapping Intellectual Property Rights, by Neil Wilkof, Shamnad Basheer, and Irene Calboli.
• Intellectual Property Rights in the Post Pandemic World: An Integrated Framework of Sustainability, Innovation and Global Justice, by Taina Pihlajarinne, Jukka Mähönen, and Pratyush Nath Upreti.
• Reforming Intellectual Property, by Gustavo Ghidini.
And the winner is:Congratulations to all those nominated and this year's winners! We look forward to reading and reviewing more IP books in 2024!
Please note: Some nominations do not appear in the list above: exclusions were made for example for not being a book about IP Law, or not being published in 2023. Votes for books that were nominated in the wrong category (e.g. a trade mark book nominated in the copyright category) were counted towards the book in the relevant category. Votes made by the same person numerous times were only counted once - as per the rules!! Votes made without following the rules correctly were not counted.

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