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A good article at last! Did you see that nearly all English reports saw the Abmahnkosten as a criminal fine?
ReplyDeleteThe Karisruhe Court didn't say what form of password or encryption a wi-fi connections needs to use. Older WPA keys are much easier to crack compared to WEP or WEP-2 keys used by modern wi-fi routers. In England there has never been to my knowledge any legal duty or responsibility for a person to secure a wi-fi connection in relation to the acts of a third party using the wi-fi connection. In Australia the Roadshow and iinet decision of the Australian Federal Court found iiNet hadn't authorised copyright infringement by its users, even where it was happening on a large scale. The Digital Economy Act 2010 UK may allow users to be cut off more easily. Have to wait and see. What the German decision highlighted very well was that technically speaking the ability to identify infringing file sharers is problematic. You can check the internet connection where infringing material passes through but to tie it to a particularly person having used that connection seems to be a necessary element of any proceedings involving sanction under the Digital Economy Act. Virgin Mobile claim to have developed CView through which they say they use deep packet inspection software to identify ip addresses to identify individual users and even they concede that their solution won't identify any one person as opposed to any machine has been responsible for infringing use. Unless english courts subscribe to the german approach of just imposing liability on the owner for 'a degree of responsibility', then there is still no sucessful way for individuals to be prosecuted unless you abandoned any onus of proof which you would expect if someone were to be penalised civilly or criminally. There doesn't seem to be any immediate solution becaues Talk Talk and other ISPs have made secret of the fact that they won't police illegal file sharers despite what OFCOM is asking. It might have some deterrent effect though as I've read about those who make available wi-fi access at their place of business closing it down because of fears of exposure to liability. This accords with the statistics on the reduced use of wi-fi because of the fear of liability and the uncertainty.