Friday again, and it's time to check the IPKat's side bar for news of fresh seminars, conferences and other ways of improving your grasp of IP in the company of friends, peers and prospective clients/lawyers. Check it out!

A chance to chat. US-based IP weblog ("Law, technology, society") is driven by a 13-strong multi-university team under the captaincy of Professor Michael J. Madison from the University of Pittsburgh. It's definitely worth a look, says the Kat. Michael will be in London next week, where he will be enjoying a refreshing pint of ale with IPKat team blogger Jeremy next Tuesday, 18 May, at The Old Nick, at some point between the hours of 4.30pm and 6pm. If you'd like to join us for a chat, please do so. We'll be in the back room.
Around the blogs. Patent litigation weblog PatLit is welcoming two new members to its team. The first, Richard Milchior (Granrut, Paris), is a well-known figure in European IP circles. The second, Gena Mason (right), works in the United States with General Patent Corporation and is also a talented bicoastal rocker: you can watch her perform here. Meanwhile, IP Finance's request for further information concerning the recent US$20 million award against a counterfeiting ring in favour of Versace has passed without any responses at all, so the IPKat wonders whether his readers can be more helpful. Please email the IPKat here with any useful information.
The Advocate General's Opinion in Case C-467/08 Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) v Padawan S.L. (see the IPKat's earlier posts here and here) is now available here in English too. Thank you, Curia, says the IPKat, and thank you to my Hungarian friend who spotted it ... and who thinks I don't know who she is.
The Advocate General's Opinion in Case C-467/08 Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) v Padawan S.L. (see the IPKat's earlier posts here and here) is now available here in English too. Thank you, Curia, says the IPKat, and thank you to my Hungarian friend who spotted it ... and who thinks I don't know who she is.
Friday fantasies
Reviewed by Jeremy
Friday, May 14, 2010

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