It occurred to the IPKat that it would be fun to put together an Intellectual Property Dream Team, which could compete against the world's finest. To enter, please name your ideal team of 11 players (one goalkeeper and ten outfield players) and give some sort of clues as to your reasons for selecting them. Entries should be sent to the IPKat here by close of play on 30 June. The winner will be announced on 11 July, the date of the World Cup Final. Entries by email here, please, with the subject line "IP Dream Team". The prize is a handsome copy of ...
Working Within the Boundaries of Intellectual Property: Innovation Policy For The Knowledge Society, edited by Rochelle C. Dreyfuss, Diane L. Zimmerman and Harry First. This book is the long-awaited companion volume to Expanding the Boundaries of Intellectual Property, published by Oxford University Press in 2001 (details here). That book argued for strong private rights while calling for caution in the expansionary trend. Since then, IP has grown ever stronger, and this new book focuses on finding ways to cope with the fragmentation of rights and the complex framework this expansion of rights has created.

At the core of the book are considerations of such initiatives as patent clearing models, standard setting organizations, licensing arrangements and informal work-arounds. It also examines the measures that seek to protect the public domain, including strategic licensing, collective rights organizations, and non-profit ventures such as creative commons and open-source publishing. Drawing on expertise from a number of disciplines including law, economics and sociology, the book is international in approach and fuses scholarly research with legal practice. It's hugely stimulating and you'd have to be a real misery-guts not to enjoy and appreciate its thoughtful scholarship.
Bibliographic data: Hardback, . xxxviii + 524 pages. ISBN 13 9780199573608; ISBN 10: 0199573603. Rupture factor: small to medium. Book's webpage here. Price US$150.
Soccer World Cup competition
Reviewed by Jeremy
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

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