While drafting and negotiating
technology agreements, this Kat increasingly comes across an inconsistent
interpretation of General
Data Protection Regulation as it pertains to the determination of data
processing roles when personal data is limited to login credentials, such as person’s
name, login identifier and email address, which are necessary to access a SaaS
platform. It is not yet clear who acts and on what basis as a data controller and
who assumes a processor role within such engagement.
GDPR interpretation alternatives
Processor position
According to what seems the more prevalent understanding,
the determination of a data processing role solely rests on answering who hands
over the data to whom. For instance, one entity purchases access to a SaaS
platform from another entity and, in order to make this access possible for its
employees, conveys the names and email addresses of such employees to the SaaS
provider. In this case, the employer is
deemed to be the data controller, while the SaaS vendor acts as a processor that processes the personal data to provide certain services to
users’ employer.
Furthermore, if the individual
users set up their own accounts by directly providing their name and email to
the platform (even if they are acting within their professional capacity, e.g.
they register with their work email and employer pays for the services), this determination
shifts the respective roles by 180 degrees: the SaaS provider becomes a
controller and the employer is out of the picture altogether.
Controller position
The GDPR, however, does not
expressly focus on who gives data to whom and emphasises instead the decisive element of the
relationship of the parties with regards to personal data at stake. According
to Art.4(7), the “Controller" means the party, which alone or jointly with
others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal
data, i.e. decides how and why a data subject’s personal data are
In search of a common ground |
Advocates of an alternative
approach focus on the GDPR requirement set out in Art.4(8), whereby a processor is defined as a party who
processes personal data on behalf of a controller. Administrative login
credentials are deemed to be separate from the concept of service/product
delivery, and are considered necessary for the provider’s own verification purposes.
Hence the processing is undertaken on behalf of the supplier and not the customer,
thus making the supplier the controller of the data. Notably, the purpose of
data processing in the scenario at stake is always the same – to utilise access
to a SaaS platform – and is solely determined and driven by the SaaS provider.
ICO guidance
The UK data protection authority
- The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) - has provided checklists
setting out indicia for determining whether a party is a
controller or a processor. Even though these indicia are not
self-explanatory, the “Controller position”, as described above, seems
to be more aligned with the ICO’s
This conclusion may also be supported
by the following example
that the ICO has shared to help distinguish between controllers and processors.
A mail delivery service is
contracted by a local hospital to deliver envelopes containing patients’
medical records to other health service institutions. The delivery service is
in physical possession of the envelopes, but may not open them to access any of the
personal data or other content they contain. […]
The delivery service will not
process the personal data in the envelopes and packages it handles. It is in
possession of the envelopes and packages but, as it cannot access their
content, it cannot be said to be processing (it is not even ‘holding’) the
personal data they contain. Indeed, the delivery service will have no idea as
to whether the items they deliver contain personal data or simply other
This means that, regarding the
content of the envelopes and packages it delivers, the delivery service is
neither a controller in its own right nor a processor for the clients that use
its services, because:
- it does not exercise any control over the
purpose for which the personal data enclosed in the items of mail entrusted to
it is used; and
- it has no control over the content of the
personal data entrusted to it.
The controller (the hospital)
that chooses to use the delivery service to transfer personal data is the party
responsible for the data. If the delivery service loses a parcel containing
highly sensitive personal data, the controller that sent the data is
responsible for the loss. So the controller will need to think carefully about
the type of service that is most appropriate in the circumstances.
However, the delivery service
will be a controller in its own right regarding any data it holds in connection
with its provision of the delivery service. […] In addition, to the
extent that it records details of the delivery addresses of individuals (the
name-and-address information on the items to be delivered), it will be a
controller regarding that personal data. If the service arranges timed
deliveries or tracking, then any personal data, such as individual senders’ and
recipients’ names and addresses it records for that purpose, will be personal
data for which the service is the controller.
What are the implications?
If the SaaS provider is indeed
deemed to be a controller, then data processing agreement (DPA), required by
Art. 28(3), becomes unnecessary. This Kat has seen companies entering into a Controller-Controller
DPA, which to her seems redundant (unless there is a joint-controllership
scenario), because individual controllers do not need to take instructions from
the other party and they can solely decide how and
why the data is processed.
It would be sufficient to simply include a contractual
representation from a SaaS supplier that such data will only be used for verification
purposes and that the vendor warrants compliance with applicable data
protection laws. A SaaS business, in turn, should seek a warranty from its
customer that all data is collected and provided in compliance with the applicable
data protection law.
Since this aspect of the
construction of the GDPR has yet to be clarified by the data protection
authorities and the judiciary, it would be great to hear what insights other data
protection enthusiasts might have!
Very detailed article on GDPR, cats on photo are too cute.