According to the Telegraph website, in 1992 around 29,000 rubber ducks, bound for America, spilled into the sea when their steel container broke. After drifting in circles with many tons of other lost cargo in the Pacific, they eventually floated north to the Bering Sea. It took three to four years for them to inch their way through the ice packs of the Arctic Ocean before emerging into the Atlantic. Some of these ducks are believed to have floated south past the British Isles in 2001, on their way to warmer tropical waters. But most floated south by south-west with the currents and are expected to make landfall in Canada within the next few weeks - by now bleached white from their original yellow, but their survival a testimony to the durability of plastic.
Some of the ducks, which have been tracked by oceanographers studying the flow of tides and currents, still have traces of the name of the company that made them, The First Years, across their chests. A company spokesman said that the company was "surprised" at the durability of the product.
For information about Soft Ducky, quack here. For an index of duck recipes, click here. If you find a rubber duck, click here.
According to the Telegraph website, in 1992 around 29,000 rubber ducks, bound for America, spilled into the sea when their steel container broke. After drifting in circles with many tons of other lost cargo in the Pacific, they eventually floated north to the Bering Sea. It took three to four years for them to inch their way through the ice packs of the Arctic Ocean before emerging into the Atlantic. Some of these ducks are believed to have floated south past the British Isles in 2001, on their way to warmer tropical waters. But most floated south by south-west with the currents and are expected to make landfall in Canada within the next few weeks - by now bleached white from their original yellow, but their survival a testimony to the durability of plastic.
Some of the ducks, which have been tracked by oceanographers studying the flow of tides and currents, still have traces of the name of the company that made them, The First Years, across their chests. A company spokesman said that the company was "surprised" at the durability of the product.
For information about Soft Ducky, quack here. For an index of duck recipes, click here. If you find a rubber duck, click here.
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