On Friday the IPKat posted a summary of the Sunrider case, T-242/02, by Kathrin Vowinckel of Kilpatrick Stockton. He has since received a translation of the salient points from Tibor Gold (Kilburn & Strode)). Anyone wishing to see this version should let him know here.
2 Murúa the Humdrum
The IPKat has also received from Tibor a short note on Case T-40/03 Murúa (another case for which no English translation has yet been posted on the Curia website). His summary reads as follows:
The Murúa case is much more humdrum: identical goods (wines); a brief skirmish on whether the Board of Appeal was right to consider only the Spanish public [from the point of view of likelihood of being confused by similar marks] as there were registrations elsewhere in the EU too (perhaps not but that did not matter as the main battleground IS Spain); father and son dynastic dispute as to entitlement to MURUA the surname; already litigated in Spain and relevance of Spanish court decision (some, but CTMR must be applied); wine labelling EU Regulations not considered relevant; dissertation on personal naming system of Spain – first name, surname, matronymic; to Spanish public Julián a common first/Christian name and the matronymic is often ignored/is much less important. Result: MURUA is the dominant visual/aural/conceptual element; the graphics v commonplace and/or insignificant; hence there is a likelihood of confusion; appeal rejected. In line with BIKER MILES; Miss Fifties.
3 Sikhs object to turban-branding
This item from Yahoo! news caught the IPKat's eye. It seems that Sikhs are objecting to being required to wear the logo of New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority on their turbans. The IPKat sympathises with them. A turban is a garment with religious significance. If it's the MTA today, that turban logo can be pretty well any other goods or services tomorrow.
The IPKat reads that an attempt to register as a US trade mark the term DYKES ON BIKES has failed, the USPTO finding it "vulgar, offensive and scandalous". The non-profit lesbian motorcycle group, which has been in pole position in San Francisco's annual pride parade for nearly three decades, is disappointed.
The IPKat is surprised too, at the ground of refusal. Surely if there's a problem with this name it's that it has a highly descriptive content, as the number of groups making some use of that term seems to suggest.
Various Dykes on Bikes here, here and here ...
A country celebrated for dykes and bikes here
Boing Boing on dykes on bikes here
Reviewed by Jeremy
Sunday, July 17, 2005
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