The Deputy Judge allowed Bolton's application for summary judgment. He held that
* there was no evidence to support the contention that AstraZeneca was linked to Bolton, or that Bolton and T were in any way linked. This being so, any defence based on the doctrine of the exhaustion of rights had no real prospect of succeedingThe IPKat thinks this decision must be right: even a real IP judge couldn't have bettered it. It's just another in the long list of weak or spurious defences raised by parallel importers that can be crossed off the list. Merpel says, is "Swinghope" in any way related to "Swingward", another optimistic -- and often successful -- grey goods pharma importer? The IPKat adds, hang on -- wasn't the Lord Chancellor criticised yesterday (see 'Thursday: what a busy day' blog, item 2), for suggesting that the doors of the judiciary be thrown open so that patent agents and trade mark attorneys could hear family law disputes? Perhaps not being in the inside track has the advantage of freshness ...
(Case C-9/93 IHT Internationale Heiztechnik GmbH and Danziger v Ideal-Standard GmbH and Wabco Standard GmbH C-9/93 applied).
* the new owner of a trade mark does not need to seek out third parties and inform them of its newly acquired rights; that would be inconsistent with s.10(4) of the Trade Marks Act 1994, under which strict liability existed for trade mark infringement. It was also inconsistent with the law of acquiescence. To give rise to an estoppel, Bolton would have had to commit some act beyond mere delay in commencing proceedings, thus inducing Swinghope reasonably to believe that Bolton would not enforce its rights under the mark.
* accordingly, since the defence of acquiescence had no real prospect of success, summary judgment would be ordered.
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Reviewed by Jeremy
Friday, July 15, 2005
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