Now that 2007 is almost upon us, Volume 8 issue 3 2005/2006 of the Bio-Science Law Review has just been released. Published by Lawtext Publishing, this excellent journal continues to fascinate and infuriate its loyal readers to an extent that almost guarantees it cult status. This time round, the BioSLR has six articles, but it's still woefully thin. However, this waiflike supermodel on the IP publishing scene is always worth a read (or two).
Right: Oncomouse (Scott Draves)
This issue carries an obituary for the Oncomouse (by Andrew Sharples and Duncan Curley (McDermott Will & Emery's London office), a thoughtful piece on whether German utility model protection is available for biotechnological inventions (by a three-man team from Grund, Munich) and an interesting feature on German businesses reverse-merging into US companies as a means of accessing US capital markets (by a three-man team from Hogan & Hartson's Brussels and London offices).
Get your sample issue here
Reviewed by Jeremy
Sunday, December 10, 2006
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