The Times reports that officials at Disney World, Florida, have been taking the name of intellectual property in vain. James Worley, a somewhat rotund 60-year old who sports a white beard was told that his resemblance to one Mr S Claus made him unwelcome on Disney premises.

Said Mr Worley:

“They told us Santa was considered a Disney character…Their statement to me was that I needed to alter my appearance . . . or I needed to leave the park because I was impersonating Santa Claus.”
Even after he removed his red hat, children still came up to him and asked him if he was St Nick.

Disney responded:

“Mr Worley came to the park to enjoy himself and we want him to experience that, but he was confusing a lot of our guests. We already have a Santa in the park and we asked him to quit posing as the same character . . . We had several guests who were very upset about it.”

The IPKat is frankly impressed if Disney has found a way to assert personality rights over a fictional character deeply embedded in Western culture.
NO HO HO NO HO HO Reviewed by Anonymous on Monday, December 18, 2006 Rating: 5


  1. I wouldn't rush to slam Disney too quickly. Was the guy dressed as Santa and diverting customers away from the 'real' (ie Disney employed) Santa ?

    Finally, what do you mean 'fictional' ? Are you aware just how many five year olds read IPKAT ?

  2. Disney doesn't just lay claim to fictional characters: if you believe in the resurrection of the dead, you will surely sympathise with poor Pocahontas - whose visits to Disneyworld would be a most unwelcome distraction for her new owners.

  3. From the story in the Times, it appears that the 'fake' Santa was wearing blue jeans, a shirt and the sort of repulsive red bobble hat thing that everyone tends to wear at this time of year.


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