Tomasz's weblog is, incidentally, connected to the next item from Brandrepublic, sent in by Paul Garland (Kemp Little), concerning Wonderbra's viral spoof of the Cadbury gorilla ad, featuring a model in a bra, which was pulled from YouTube after Phil Collins Limited claimed that the material was infringing its copyright. Wonderbra recreated the Cadbury's Dairy Milk ad for a viral campaign, replacing the

The camera focuses on her chest more and more as the ad progresses and it ends with the line "Two cups full of joy".The ad may be on YouTube no longer, but it lives on, thanks to Tomasz, here. Says the IPKat, if you want to compare the ads, the original Dairy Milk ad is still on YouTube, here. Adds Merpel, unlike the Wonderbra girl, the gorilla is topless -- and in urgent need of a good depilatory. More than you probably want to know about 'In the Air Tonight' here.
Friday farcicals
Reviewed by Jeremy
Friday, December 07, 2007

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