QMIPRI -- the Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute -- is holding a special Roundtable Event at its lovely new premises (67-69 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London),
Friday 4 January 2008. The title of this event is 'Trade Marks ... Property of the Imagination?' Keynote speaker is Professor
Sheldon W Halpern (Harold R Tyler Professor of Law and Technology, Albany Law School, USA). Other contributors are
Tibor Gold MBE (Visiting Professorial Fellow, QMIPRI),
Spyros Maniatis (Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Queen Mary, QMIPRI) and IPKat team member
Jeremy Phillips (Olswang, Visiting Professorial Fellow, QMIPRI).
The Roundtable starts at 10am and will be followed by a buffet lunch. Attendance is free, but places are strictly limited. Please register directly to
qmipri@qmul.ac.uk. The Roundtable has Law Society and General Council of the Bar CPD accreditation (3 points).
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