The Europa Institute and the AHRC Research Centre in Intellectual Property & Technology Law, University of Edinburgh, are hosting a guest lecture on Thursday
28 February 2008 at 1800pm in the Playfair Library, Old College, University of Edinburgh. The title is “Lessons of the Microsoft Case” and the lecturer is
Ian Forrester QC (White & Case LLP, Brussels). Chairing the event is Professor
Sir David Edward. Ian represented Microsoft in a controversial recent case before the Court of First Instance in Luxembourg, and few are better placed than he to comment on the development of the case and the implications of the outcome
[the IPKat says: that's true, but will he spill the beans? You'll have to be there if you want to find out]. All are welcome, but please let
John Anzani know if you are planning to attend.
The Olswang Technology Update - Q1 2008 is now available online, absolutely free to anyone who wants to read it. Features in this issue include an editorial, "Data security: a boardroom issue", which looks at the political and legal impact of recent data breaches in the public sector upon information security issues, also considering the spin-off effects for businesses in forming and implementing their data protection policies.
Left: security systems such as the popular Guard-Kat are increasingly being deployed in the public sector. Unfortunately they are asleep at the job almost as often as their masters ...There's also a feature on the pending US litigation in
Jacobsen v Katzer, which may provide the first meaningful decision on a thorny legal issue underlying open source software licences: are they fully-fledged contracts, or merely conditional licences?
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